13/08/21 18:56 投稿
Impundulu "the Vampire Harpy" [Raet さん]
Phylum Avialae, Family Harpeia Habitat: Southern plains lands Disposition: lustful, ruthless, devoted, jealous Diet: Spiritus / Female Blood/ Hu...
13/08/21 18:56 投稿 Impundulu "the Vampire Harpy" [Raet さん] Phylum Avialae, Family Harpeia Habitat: Southern plains lands Disposition: lustful, ruthless, devoted, jealous Diet: Spiritus / Female Blood/ Hu... |
11/10/31 23:43 投稿 Rain God's speak [自在天 さん] Egypt's rain god Tefnut, she is the sun god Ra of the eldest daughter, the first woman God in the world. According to legend, once Tefunt with... |
11/02/19 10:22 投稿 Polar Queen [Stormbringer さん] out of the ten tales i couldnt pick one. tales arent my thing. in the end stuck with the noblest thing in the list. the queen. cold, indifferent, f... |
09/08/29 22:41 投稿 桜土筆/cherry blossom horsetail [むしとりねこ/MuShiToRiNeKo さん] 桜土筆/cherry blossom horsetail ほぼデジタルイラストです。 画材は約B5サイズの画用紙、色鉛筆、クレヨンです。 使用ソフトは「ArcSoft PhotoStud... |