

15/11/21 20:36 投稿

R-type Plone plush B-1d Bydo System α [fameng さん]

B-1d and her Force

15/08/30 22:37 投稿

バイド遠征  [fameng さん]

A huge and gentle robot [Bhw-gns2] want to help a little cute plone [b-1d] back to Earth home,but their TeiToKu tell them that's a death ...

15/07/14 07:31 投稿

Command your R-9a0 [fameng さん]

I try to draw a pretty R-9a0 Ragnarok ('butt)

15/07/05 13:54 投稿

Welcome to Paradise Estate [fameng さん]

"Welcome to my estate,traveler. Don't be deceived by appearance , the interior of the house is complex and large, you may get lost so...

15/04/17 21:03 投稿

R-type pony ..2 [fameng さん]

B-1D Bydo system α

15/03/22 21:36 投稿

R-type pony [fameng さん]

R-9A1 Arrow head and Pow Armour

15/03/21 01:35 投稿

Return to Flutter Valley [fameng さん]

Flutter Valley, the home of flutter pony. This beautiful land have a magic stone "Sun Stone" and the stone is life of Flutter Val...

15/02/11 20:21 投稿

Pony plush oc Naya Vespers [fameng さん]

Finally , my little necromancer is coming...... Now we will have the best deathday party!!!!! [just remember "don't touch her ...

14/12/01 17:04 投稿

I'm Still Standing Here [fameng さん]


14/11/10 08:17 投稿

Shiny sword [fameng さん]

"A simple ceremony, some strange spectators and my trustful friends. When I allegiance to goddess and sing my duty every time, I will feel t...

14/10/14 11:15 投稿

Pony plush oc Hwaini Matins [fameng さん]

My heart is so warm and happy, my lovely priestess standing in front of me. In fact I'm done with this sewing plush in August ,bu...

14/05/25 03:17 投稿

スウィーティーベル [くしな 空L さん]

G3・5のスウィーティーベルもえろいので好き。 デザイン的にはG4版とあまり変わらないのよねこの子。 ただ、描くのが果てしなくめんどくさいだけだ(

14/05/24 19:05 投稿

ぎるだちゃん。 [くしな 空L さん]


14/05/24 18:52 投稿

ピンキーパイ弁当 [くしな 空L さん]


14/05/24 18:07 投稿

スウィーティーベルにしょうゆかけたい。 [くしな 空L さん]


14/04/26 22:22 投稿

Everfree Forest Spirit of Attack [fameng さん]

Ponies occupy this land is too long,so Everfree Forest Spirit(back deer) is very angry. It want to destory the Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres tha...

14/04/12 19:38 投稿

Ride on the death [fameng さん]

It's long time that I didn't paint my Necro Dragonknight OC Isaphil Wither. So beautiful.... so poignant....so cold...and death

14/03/24 23:36 投稿

Let's Fiddle [fameng さん]

It's time to....FIDDLEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

14/03/05 17:15 投稿

Try to find draw style [fameng さん]

Yipu Glimmer(novice templar oc):[I suddenly feel some cold. Do you feel that?] Isaphil Wither(necro dragonknight oc):[Why are you asking me....]

14/02/18 12:13 投稿

Welcome to your sweet new home! [fameng さん]

Well...I drawed it on the Painter12 class. My teacher help me to modify part of the drawing. ~~~ Naya Vespers(grave keeper/necromancer oc):[W...