

13/04/08 04:10 投稿

私はテンプル騎士 [fameng さん]

Yipu Glimmer: My life is dedicated to the Goddess I use the shield of faith to protect my friends I use the sword of justice to rescue suf...

13/04/03 14:39 投稿

Into the Everfree Forest [fameng さん]

Pinkie Pie:[Weeee....,so exciting!!] Twilight Sparkle:[Calm down,Pinkie!You will disturb the monster!] Ginkgo Featherhat (bard oc):[Be carefu...

13/03/16 21:15 投稿

それは良い日だ [fameng さん]

Hwaini Matins(temple supervisor/priest oc): [Good day,little pony.Do you need direction?] Naya Vespers(grave keeper/necromancer oc):[...Hum......

13/03/02 17:28 投稿

ナヤの命令 [fameng さん]

When Naya Vespers (grave keeper/necromancer oc) take off her robe and glove in the evening,she will become Necro Lady,and then she can use very pow...

13/02/23 05:41 投稿

人間と化したAJ&AB [chikuwan さん]


13/02/23 04:18 投稿

剣の踊り [fameng さん]

I try to create MLP's Elf country,so I think deer is good for it. The elfdeer king Been a curse (permanent baldness) ,so druid elder (pla...

13/02/14 21:05 投稿

Rarity [chikuwan さん]


13/02/11 19:36 投稿

into the fairyland [fameng さん]

Ginkgo Featherhat (bard oc) lead ladies to visit the fairyland

13/02/07 00:19 投稿

MLP [麻倉(まくら) さん]


13/02/05 13:55 投稿

吟遊詩馬ポニーの練習 [fameng さん]


13/01/25 00:09 投稿

ポニー新年の挨拶 [fameng さん]

Hwaini Matins(temple supervisor/priest oc):[We hope you will be healthy and safe in this year.] Pinkie Pie:[May you have the best friendship and...

13/01/11 20:42 投稿

CMCの遠征 [fameng さん]

I hope they like their new member

12/12/30 00:52 投稿

ネクロドラゴン騎士ポニーの練習 [fameng さん]


12/12/25 18:00 投稿

ネクロマンサーポニーの練習  [fameng さん]


12/12/25 17:57 投稿

戦士ポニーの練習 [fameng さん]


12/12/25 17:54 投稿

テンプル騎士ポニーの練習 [fameng さん]


12/12/25 17:49 投稿

牧師ポニーの練習 [fameng さん]


12/12/18 09:37 投稿

闘い [fameng さん]

蛇 vs 竜 vs マフィン?

12/12/06 12:45 投稿

Magic of Christmas  [fameng さん]

Thanks for you given,my little pony and my faerie dragon

12/11/29 13:51 投稿

Friendship is Necromancy [fameng さん]

Come on necropony smile,smile,smile!