21/12/18 00:57 素人大学生 さん
People say 'Mortal Kombat' is violent and harmful game misses significant point
cial prejudice to specific groups of people (Japs and Chinese) and contribute to the increase of murder, rape etc.The situation in Japan is bit different, for example. Post war Japanese society w…
20/08/02 02:05 akito さん
死肉を食べ続ける事です。Emperor ‘s job is to rape slave girls, cut limbs, rape and murder, continue to eat their dead meat. 日本の象徴は「富士山」であり、断じて強姦…
19/12/25 04:37 akito さん
食べ続ける事です(祈)†Emperor ‘s job is to rape slave girls, cut limbs, rape and murder, continue to eat their dead meat.日本の象徴は「富士山」であり、断じて強姦殺…
14/12/08 13:44 素人大学生 さん
ou breathin muthafucka"After few seconds he pulled the trigger.We all expected after this brutal murder, the next target is one of us. What is his purpose for doing all this?  Due to the religiou…