21/03/17 23:21 寿祐/HyenaEight さん
段の感じでいてもカッコいいお兄ちゃんなんだなって思ってましたが★FEARS。壱馬王子が囚われてたよ? why? でも鎖に繋がれて、藻掻いて足掻い…
20/11/09 17:50 nagisan さん
電/米津玄師4.香水/瑛人5.紅蓮華/LiSA6.公私混同/ゆず7.裸の心/あいみょん8.FEARS/THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE9.Night Driver/三浦春馬10.モス/サカナファクション11.…
20/05/28 08:30 黒翼猫 さん
トレンドマイクロさん、狸印の Android 向けセキュリティブラウザで一昨年発覚したユーザーをだます脆弱性が直しきれなくてソフトの公開を取りやめるの巻
Trend Micro pulls another app over security fears: This time, the Privacy Browser in the Dr Safety Android suite • The RegisterセキュリティコンサルタントのDhiraj Mishraがこの脆…
17/01/25 01:12 Hiropon さん
theyoungdoyley: a virtual mindscape reflecting its wearer’s...
theyoungdoyley:a virtual mindscape reflecting its wearer’s greatest hopes and fears[bonus]…
15/10/04 02:49 enin さん
ce but to leave the earth to the planet janitors,” she sadly said and left from there.A few fears later, There was the “Cyborg Earth”. The broken earth has repaired by the great tech…
14/05/25 15:19 SSS Manga Circle さん
Simulating Reality in Video Games
tacked. Some sanity effects are character- or area-specific and reflect the individual's personal fears or experiences or take advantage of environmental features (such as a statue whose head turns to…
14/05/19 19:17 エックスP さん
「最悪の恐怖」-Worst Fears-マナ:(7)(黒)ソーサリー「プレイヤー1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーの次のターンの間、あなたはそのプレイヤーを…
14/01/22 08:19 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
The Past is just a story we tell our selves...
Whether it be the regards of technology and human interactions or deep down personal feelings and fears.It's been awhile since a movie has even related to me in the least bit. I know of the solitude t…
14/01/01 16:18 yudough さん
grizzzzm: breaksole: highlandvalley: kagurazakaundergroundresi...
ighlandvalley:kagurazakaundergroundresistance:raurublock:Picture of 100ft-long ‘snake’ sparks fears of mythical monster in Borneo | Mail Onlineボルネオで撮られた航空写真に体長30m…
13/06/01 01:28 素人大学生 さん
Interview of former president George W Bush
remlin and all of them are tortured and brutally murdered..)In the middle east and Africa what US fears is that the nations in that region is under the effect of these communist nations and could be b…
13/05/26 02:34 素人大学生 さん
the issue of Japanese cram school
ready. 2. this could also harm employee's mental condition... probably manager of the corporation fears that they could contact to the students and some nasty issue could happen that they, for the sec…
13/01/31 22:03 クジ さん
I don’t mean this in a disrespectful or ignorant manner,...
on’t think shark finning is an issue that needs to be addressed, please read up on it. Put your fears, your dislikes to the side.If these pictures were of a lion, of a wolf, of a human, how would yo…