22/11/27 06:00 toliy さん
Best Games to Play on High-Quality Gaming Laptops
possibly the most visually endearing game you can play on a laptop! The hand-drawn, classically animated 2D graphics are nothing but vibrant and whimsical. Although its multi-stage bosses are intimida…
22/07/17 05:01 明日武 さん
rx78RT @randomsakuga: Key Animation: Yoshinori Kanada (金田 伊功)Anime: Vampire Hunter: The Animated Series (ヴァンパイアハンター) (1997)https://t.co/xOJh…07/16 14:53asm99rx78@winglett…
22/06/02 05:01 明日武 さん
: @PLVYHAUS Full intro:https://t.co/ApU8l0NTIY06/01 20:55asm99rx78RT @voltanimation: Here's the animated intro I did for my buddy YaBoyRoshi. Enjoy!Full animation in thread. Tons of work went into thi…
22/03/22 05:01 明日武 さん
始めればワンチャンあると思うけどな。03/21 10:28asm99rx78RT @chromat1cfire: An animated sequence has multiple layers to it, similar to a Photoshop project. 2D foreground character key…
21/06/03 05:01 明日武 さん
ho animates electricity like…06/02 11:17asm99rx78RT @fmod91: Even the model number is getting animated. https://t.co/cU6XDNncg606/02 11:17asm99rx78RT @pom_pom_pee: 大阪の区役所の窓口業務…
20/10/01 05:01 明日武 さん
を気に入ってくれたなら同じアニメスタジオが制作している"BAÏDIR - the animated series"も応援して欲しいKickstarterの受付は終わっちゃったけど…https://t.c…
20/08/25 06:12 Tico さん
【夏イベントだけあって、もー目の毒な水着姿がこれでもかと。しかもAnimatedで動く】 【これだけ見るとお色気イベントですが、終盤はなかなか…
20/07/01 05:13 Tico さん
するのでそこはかとなくお得感がありますね。 ちなみに上記三つはAnimatedが実装予定だそうで、そのあたりも嬉しいところです。 【ここから…
20/05/28 05:01 明日武 さん
奥には雑貨屋さん…05/27 11:16asm99rx78RT @Goge6_: From Daiohja episode 12.Most likely animated by Yuuji Moriyama https://t.co/Lk9z98KY9g05/27 11:15asm99rx78RT @taikonotuki13: デンジマン…
20/04/18 08:07 Tico さん
帰ってきた感ありますね。それにしてしっぽ!】 【95式のスキンはAnimated! むおっ、ふとももまぶしっ】 【いかにもギャルいMk23。というか…
19/10/20 10:32 神代クロ さん
RMBoy Graphics Pack・RPG Maker MV – Time Fantasy・RPG Maker MV – Time Fantasy: Side-View Animated Battlers・RPG Maker MV – Symphonic RPG ME Perfect Collection・RPG Maker MV – Retro Fantas…
19/09/08 08:27 ChouIsamu さん
Windows 10用「PowerToys」プレビュー版が公開される
ch file renamer」、画面を録画してアニメーションGIFを生成・編集できる「Animated gif screen recorder」が挙げられている。スラドの皆さんが気になる機能は…
19/08/09 05:01 明日武 さん
の数年間、フライシャー兄弟が自ら起こしたRed Seal Pictureで配給した「Animated Hair」シリーズ(1925年)。ジグソーパズル的なメタモルフォーゼ。 https://t.…
18/10/18 10:18 伊世@元meco さん
Sleepless Nights - dazzzle - Mystery Skulls Animated [Archive of Our Own]
Sleepless Nights - dazzzle - Mystery Skulls Animated [Archive of Our Own]: hello i wrote a fanfic for the first time in 400 years because the world needs more Good Vithur Friendship Content™…
18/10/16 15:13 伊世@元meco さん
flame-cat:a-zini:i don’t want the next mystery skulls animated to have music or anything, i just want 5 whole minutes of Lewis standing on that cliff edge like “oohhh shit. oh fuck. shit. fuck. oh…
18/10/14 17:45 伊世@元meco さん
spook-wolf:Connect with other fans of mystery skulls animated in this fun server! Share you stories, art, head canons and theories with other and enjoy discussions over current videos and lore! Have f…
18/10/14 14:56 伊世@元meco さん
kiddinsdeluxe:Mystery Skulls Animated - Hellbent (2018)
kiddinsdeluxe:Mystery Skulls Animated - Hellbent (2018)…
18/10/11 13:48 ぎむれっと さん
Basic principles of responsive web design
A while back we made a list of animated gifs explaining the basic principles of responsive web design. The post was extremely popular. It turns we were not the only ones who find it difficult to…
18/09/17 11:05 Robin96 さん
Sweet Betty(Made of pen and ink)《愛しのベティ(ペンとインクでできた娘)》
There's a little queenOf the animated screen;Wait 'til you, get a view of Sweet Betty!ここにおわすは小さな女王様アニメの銀幕に君臨するお待ちかね、*1愛しのベティを…