20/11/23 12:30 黒翼猫 さん
しかフォーマットできない。※ おそらくセクタ数管理変数が ULONGLONGではなく LONGLONGで定義されてるのだと予想2TのDISK フォーマットしてみたら見た…
17/02/04 12:30 黒翼猫 さん
(浮動小数点) から long 型、 ftol2 は float(浮動小数点) から long^2 型つまりlonglong型64bit 整数に変換する関数だと長いこと思っていました。ところが、VC+…
12/12/29 10:46 オーシー さん
ll of emotions. He is not smiling because he don’t know how, but he is happy…I love LongLong’s figures. Building it wasn’t so hard. I tried some color schemes, rotated the head…
12/12/29 10:46 ミドリフグ さん
ll of emotions. He is not smiling because he don’t know how, but he is happy…I love LongLong’s figures. Building it wasn’t so hard. I tried some color schemes, rotated the head…
12/12/29 10:46 okifuji さん
ll of emotions. He is not smiling because he don’t know how, but he is happy…I love LongLong’s figures. Building it wasn’t so hard. I tried some color schemes, rotated the head…
12/12/29 10:46 桃内 さん
ll of emotions. He is not smiling because he don’t know how, but he is happy…I love LongLong’s figures. Building it wasn’t so hard. I tried some color schemes, rotated the head…
12/12/29 10:46 なちゃがる・なちゅDD さん
ll of emotions. He is not smiling because he don’t know how, but he is happy…I love LongLong’s figures. Building it wasn’t so hard. I tried some color schemes, rotated the head…
12/12/29 09:45 オーシー さん
While painting was in progress I decided to make a few modifications.At first I changed an angle ...
12/12/29 09:45 ミドリフグ さん
While painting was in progress I decided to make a few modifications.At first I changed an angle ...
12/12/29 09:45 okifuji さん
While painting was in progress I decided to make a few modifications.At first I changed an angle ...
12/12/29 09:45 桃内 さん
While painting was in progress I decided to make a few modifications.At first I changed an angle ...