22/12/12 03:50 chienu さん
)聴いた音楽リポートします?pop系はThe WeekndとかHarry Stylesとかpost punkはKilling JokeとSwell MapsでHeavy MetalはDio R&Bな… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… …
22/12/04 14:03 素人大学生 さん
can appear to me like:(1) Covert racism against Mexican people is in the context.(2) The brutal killing scene of Mexican (gang) by American (hero) seems praised(3) (2) is satisfied with the excuse th…
22/10/30 08:26 toliy さん
How Technology Advancements Has Its Impact on Us
tion of items like the spear and knives made out of rocks and sticks to aid in the capturing and killing of animals for food, to items like the first printing press and the computer. The question: are…
22/09/27 08:10 toliy さん
Football Betting – 2 Ways You Could Make A Killing!
te will launch in summer 2007. If you wish him to review a gambling product before purchase, just ask.The post Football Betting – 2 Ways You Could Make A Killing! appeared first on Clarice-note.…
22/09/24 15:19 toliy さん
The Importance of Project Closeout and Review in Project Management.
s also known as ‘killing a project’ because it “involves serious career and economic consequences” (Futrel, Shafer D & Shafer L, 2002, 1078). Killing a project can be a dif…
22/09/13 10:04 toliy さん
Morals vs Ethics – According to the Pragmatic Thinker
r families and religions, but they have somehow “morally justified” their actions of killing, stealing, and lying.How is it that these extremely devoted family men and supposedly devoted m…
21/11/15 13:59 素人大学生 さん
omitted here,  but in short the torture, violence, violation of human rights and arbitrary killing of the inmates were the most impressive part.The inmates are always the political prisoner and …
21/05/16 20:41 素人大学生 さん
e, paranoid,facade victory via killing old and weak, such that losers amplify their prejudice in a coffee houseeffect, okay, maybe another world wars, meaningless killing hidden, justified by anywords…
21/05/16 05:21 素人大学生 さん
360 prod by ChivaBeatz | keitaromo
e, paranoid,facade victory via killing old and weak, such that losers amplify their prejudice in a coffee houseeffect, okay, maybe another world wars, meaningless killing hidden, justified by anywords…
19/11/17 01:15 chienu さん
e Brian Setzer Orchestra 54曲27 Black Sabbath 53曲28 鈴村健一 53曲29 目黒将司 52曲30 Killing Joke 50曲31 Ed Sheeran 48曲32 Michael Jackson 48曲33 Red Hot Chili Peppers 48曲34 Metallica…
19/08/06 21:00 OZA さん
【新作】ダンクシュートの決まらなかったあの夏の日に(Dear,My Another Summer)
Sの「世界が終わるまでは・・・」から、「やさしく歌って」はFugeesの「Killing Me Softry」(※Roberta Frackの歌唱で知られておりますが、文中ではFugeesのヴ…
19/05/14 23:50 chienu さん
chestra 41曲38 ゴールデンボンバー 41曲39 Smap 40曲40 The Clash 40曲41 Wham! 40曲42 Killing Joke 39曲43 Bruno Mars 38曲44 The Beatles 38曲45 GLAY 37曲46 Swell Maps 37曲47 Jake Bugg 3…
18/12/22 12:30 黒翼猫 さん
SERVERSMAN の CentOS7 でVNC 入れてみる その1
g for VNC connections on all interface(s), port 5901 vncext: created VNC server for screen 0Killing Xvnc process ID 1528/usr/bin/xterm: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) or Kil…
18/11/14 15:36 chienu さん
pers 38 曲32 The Clash 38 曲33 Wham! 38 曲34 X Japan 38 曲35 Yellow Magic Orchestra 38 曲36 Killing Joke    36 曲37 Smap    36 曲38 Bruno Mars 35 曲39 GLAY &…
18/10/21 18:13 伊世@元meco さん
out, few problems, some I didn’t even notice until doing this write up. Kressent was literally killing herself with backgrounds so there was actually another shot that used this 3D backgroundsoftwar…
18/08/24 19:07 ヴァイスカイザー さん
『検察側の罪人』 感想 / Thoughts on Killing for the Prosecution (2018)
のように、色々と考え、語りたくなるような、そんな作品だ。So I watched Killing for the Prosecution/Kensatsugawa no Zainin. It touched a chord with me due to reasons and I end…
18/05/14 01:35 chienu さん
tE 33曲30 THE TIMERS 33曲31 X Japan 33曲32 ALI PROJECT 32曲33 GLAY 32曲34 Jake Bugg 32曲35 Killing Joke 32曲  36 Slipknot 32曲37 Swell Maps 32曲38 The Clash 32曲39 ゴールデンボン…