22/12/11 08:46 ChouIsamu さん
米ワシントン州、2019 年以来初めてオオスズメバチが確認されない 1 年に
め、わなのネットワークが活用されている。ヤキマ郡では今年、俗に Japanese beetle と呼ばれる日本在来のマメコガネ (Popillia japonica) を 23,000 匹捕獲。…
22/12/05 16:42 toliy さん
Automotive Companies – Top Makers and Their Models
e spread wings in many countries include the followings.ToyotaToyota is one of the most reputed Japanese automotive companies that have developed world-class cars in economy, mainstream, and luxury se…
22/12/04 14:03 素人大学生 さん
h regards Japan.(1) protagonist trips in Japan(2) protagonist kills and beats Japanese gangs (yakuza)(3) There are Japanese female who admires and be girlfriend to the American protagonist.As long as …
22/11/24 03:00 ChouIsamu さん
るパイロット150人の乗務を停止 2020年06月28日 「日本語第二版」(Japanese v2.0)規格策定へ 2016年04月01日 合成写真で大学入試を替え玉受験、…
22/11/14 04:41 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
rsg_Koryusai RT @akidearest: I can’t describe how satisfying it is I can call on the phone in Japanese and have little to no issues …
22/11/13 04:41 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
ing mortars in illegally occupied Japanese isla… 11-12 05:17 RT @LegionNinjas: According to Mr. Galuzin Japan is engaging in an unfriendly action. If the Japanese government’s sanctions and mate…
22/11/12 04:41 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
orsunskySergiy: We are very saddened with those news. We will never forget his sacrifice. R.I.P.Japanese volunteer fighter dies in… 11-11 22:17 RT @JpnKappaUA: そのことに少しでも想いを…
22/11/06 03:50 chienu さん
楽リポートですPOP、SOUL多めはThe WeekndとStevie WonderjazzはたぶんSade。。。japaneseはバラバラでちょっとずついろんな曲聴いてたみたい急に… twitter.com/i/w…
22/11/04 05:01 明日武 さん
Densetsu: Yuji Kaida / 開田裕治 confirmed to me that he did the cover art for Ex-Ranza, the Japanese version of the Mega Drive game Range…11/03 18:27asm99rx78RT @VGDensetsu: Cover of the Super F…
22/11/03 11:49 toliy さん
Using Hi-Lo Books With Struggling Readers and ESL Students
se. They also enjoy science fiction, fantasy, adventure, graphic novels, comics, and Manga, the Japanese version of comics. Hi-lo books are like any good book with a compelling story line and fascinat…
22/10/25 07:57 toliy さん
What Is Predictive Health-Care?
rogram can be generated that does not rely on prescription drugs.Why choose Predictive Health?A Japanese “Attitude Survey on Health and Preparation” (November 1, 2010; Hello-Global.com) st…
22/10/18 18:59 かやは さん
首相、旧統一教会の調査指示 「質問権」初行使へ(BBC)https://www.bbc.com/japanese/63295457BBCでもこのニュースが。▽自民幹部の会食で「野党だらしない」…
22/10/15 04:42 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
14 12:18 RT @HIDIVEofficial: Mameda has trouble tricking humans but when she sees Bunko's Japanese storytelling art of rakugo, she gets an idea - be… 10-14 10:28 RT @LegionNinjas: 忍者小…
22/10/10 03:50 chienu さん
16:58 先週投下してなかったから2週分メタル中心だけどjapaneseの古い曲はほぼ「あきれたぼういず」です? https://t.co/XyOiPq2Uae …
22/10/09 19:02 かやは さん
22/10/05 19:04 かやは さん
22/09/29 19:01 かやは さん
22/09/26 10:47 toliy さん
m is the Reishi mushroom. It is used extensively in Traditional Chinese Medicine, by mainstream Japanese physicians, and throughout Korea, Vietnam and Eastern cultures. Also known as the Ling Chi, thi…
22/09/25 19:01 かやは さん
22/09/18 03:50 chienu さん
(9日〜15日)に再生した音楽?曲数少なめThe Whoとかよく聴いてたあとはjapaneseは何かなぁ"村八分"とか"神聖かまってちゃん"あたり?き…