20/08/26 04:01 R^3 さん
… 08-25 22:05 RT @moghunter1: Alright folks, It's that time again. Sorry for the long hiatus, I've been busy with real life.Anyway, now i'm back, kind… 08-25 21:55 RT @Robotboy1…
20/05/31 12:10 武内まさる さん
もうすぐ梅雨なのでthe HIATUSのghost in the rainを弾いてみた。
もうすぐ梅雨なのでthe HIATUSのghost in the rainを弾いてみた。 …
17/03/28 19:39 Hiropon さん
Sorry I’ve been so busy and therefore on a bit of a hiatus. I got a new job as a Pet Groomer...
Sorry I’ve been so busy and therefore on a bit of a hiatus. I got a new job as a Pet Groomer Apprentice! Plus going through the divorce is a process even though the two of us are still amicable.…
16/09/21 12:50 Hiropon さん
I’m sorry I’ve been away for so long.It’s not really an excuse but over the course of the last mo...
16/08/01 13:07 Hiropon さん
universequartz:i cant believe this??? i thought that after summer of steven we were gonna have a...
rsequartz:i cant believe this??? i thought that after summer of steven we were gonna have a HUGE hiatus but it’s the opposite. less than a week after summer of steven ends on august 12, season 4 bei…
14/08/05 04:19 SSS Manga Circle さん
'Voices of Reason', is on hiatus right now...
'Voices of Reason' is on hiatus right now, until 'Octo Force: The Paradigm Experiment' is finished and selling.…
14/04/29 13:00 EZAKI さん
Yoshihiro Togashi’s *Hunter x Hunter* is Resuming Serialization!
It’s been announced that after a long hiatus from *Weekly Shonen Jump*, Yoshihiro Togashi’s manga *Hunter x Hunter* will resume serialization.…
12/07/18 10:29 Kan-Na さん
xvxo_oxvx: むしろ会社の人がHIATUSのCD貸してくれたのに持って帰るのずっと忘れてるー(´;ω;`)
xvxo_oxvx: むしろ会社の人がHIATUSのCD貸してくれたのに持って帰るのずっと忘れてるー(´;ω;`)…