22/11/06 11:00 toliy さん
A Course in Miracles Is Brotherhood
elieve God would do this is to believe the lie of the ego that God is vengeful and He attacks. You would only attack others because you believe the same lie about yourself. These are judgments you mus…
22/10/21 17:10 素人大学生 さん
Stable Diffusion vs artist: how illustrators/artists should be protected from AI?
ow quality critics, which is useless.If this is not implemented, the academic thesis is under the attack of tons of plagiarisms in the future, plus any writings should also be machine-learned by the A…
22/10/15 19:00 かやは さん
ンゴ」(1963年)なのは有名な話。※ちなマタンゴの英語タイトルは「The Attack of the Mushroom People」w)水槽に落っことす写真は日本軍が真珠湾で沈めた…
22/07/31 04:41 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
Sometimes we hear some explosion or other strange sounds outside and even if it isn't enemy attack still want to hid… 07-30 18:18 …
22/07/27 04:41 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
Hi there! I think the actions that are happening in Ukraine now are similar to some manga plot... Attack on zombie, heh… 07-26 17:52 太上天皇陛下のご快癒をお祈り申し上げます。…
22/06/20 03:50 chienu さん
23:29 RT @AoTWiki: Attack on Titan illustration? Mai Teshima https://t.co/eC7X9OJgAm …
22/06/17 06:16 ChouIsamu さん
キュリティ研究者が見つけたもので、二人はこの攻撃手法を「Pre-hijacking Attack」(プリハイジャック攻撃)」と呼んでいるそうだ(Malwarebytes、TECH+)…
22/06/16 03:00 ChouIsamu さん
x86 CPUに新たなサイドチャネル脆弱性「Hertzbleed」が見つかる。リモートでも攻撃可能
ed Attack」があったと発表した。研究チームはHertzbleed Attackを用いることで、対象となるCPUの暗号化を突破できると主張しているそうだ(Hertzbleed Attack…
22/04/30 04:41 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
無念です。 #ウクライナ #StandWithUkraine #Ukraine Journalist Vira Hyrych dies in rocket attack on Kyiv https://t.co/wb0eXj3tAD 04-29 20:16 ウクライナ情報局 ボランティアの…
22/04/20 16:52 素人大学生 さん
test rap 1 - Keita Roimo(2017)
life is hard to hack sudden attack and brain damage bunch of humiliating experiences make me sick, sorta flashback acquiaintances now got fame yet only left me the feelin of shame who'se gonna be bla…
22/01/07 03:01 chienu さん
17:08 RT @samuelkimmusic: Attack on Titan x Christmas EPIC MASHUP!!! Here's my epic mashup of Carol of The Bells and Ashes on Th…
21/11/25 12:00 黒翼猫 さん
t found on your system.Watchdog: Temperature abort trigger disabled.Host memory required for this attack: 176 MBThe wordlist or mask that you are using is too small.This means that hashcat cannot use …
21/11/15 13:59 素人大学生 さん
th Korea is the extreme case but even in the democratic society people often trying to harass and attack individuals simply because he/she is a celebrity or loyal family, the media tries to propagate …
21/10/24 05:05 忍 さん
with no damage is quite a challenge.Depending on the amount of boss HP reduced, the boss’s attack will have 7 patterns of stage changes.Next time I’ll be working on the erotic scene betwe…
21/10/04 19:06 かやは さん
21/08/16 23:05 ChouIsamu さん
大規模RTA(Real Time Attack)イベント「RTA in Japan Summer 2021」で、追加種目としてはPSP版「ときめきメモリアル」のタイムアタックが実施されたという。…
21/07/17 03:38 素人大学生 さん
Wac Stack feat. Bindi Bardz | keitaroimo
h old man braggin, can't beat it cuz don't wanna turn myself in,links, Got skills and blocks each attack, secure as fuck he said life sucks and incriminatehey, himself so weird genius is sorta pagan t…
21/05/24 08:09 素人大学生 さん
The true reason why I started drawing cartoon 'Communist Daily'
daily lives but the fact that people are easily tend to target the group you don't belong to and attack/hate them, and this is what is happening in U.S. or Europe.It is not only their problem, also o…
21/05/23 19:14 かやは さん
いものに変更するのは日本でもよくあることなんだけど、「MATANGO」を「Attack of the Mushroom People」にするのはちょっとひどくね(笑)?○わかりみし…