22/12/12 10:29 toliy さん
Benefits of Using Computerized Embroidery Machines
.Easy to use: It is quite easy to use computerized embroidery machine as it requires little human participation. The machine performs all the necessary tasks efficiently. There is hardly any need for …
22/12/11 13:41 toliy さん
Choosing the Best Laminate Flooring Quality
services, the laminate Garage Coatings College Station interior decoration being one of them. This art of decorating the floor is more than a decoration since it ensures that the floor is protected fr…
22/12/08 05:01 明日武 さん
様に近場で雪降った所があります。 https://t.co/fcnoUdoHLB12/07 08:28asm99rx78@nimoo_art おはようございます♪どう致しまして。キャラクターの絵作りにも表情…
22/12/05 06:16 沢風南 さん
部のありえない日々(2) D・キッサン☆FFBE幻影戦争 The Art Works 2☆FFBE幻影戦争Tales of Part 1 Personages〜百花繚乱〜読書月間だからいっぱい読みたい…
22/12/04 14:46 Olbaid さん
Into the chaos - Manddelbrot Landscape No.83 This is a...
Set zoom fractal video rendered with Ultrafractal. I hope you enjoy it.This video is based on the following fractal art.https://www.deviantart.com/olbaid-st/art/Mandelbrot-145-Into-the-chaos-668538733…
22/12/04 05:01 明日武 さん
フォロ…12/03 18:42asm99rx78RT @korehamiro: https://t.co/yhBybhmNaD12/03 18:42asm99rx78@nimoo_art こんばんは。髪の毛のこの位置だと、場合によっては、眉毛が見えない…
22/12/03 14:17 toliy さん
What Are The Options Of Hair Styles For Your Wedding?
n your wedding gown, you can start to think about your Hairstyles style. Your hair style can be derived from your gown style such that they become a matched piece of art. You should also choose the ha…
22/12/01 10:15 toliy さん
3D Game Development – The Next Generation Game Development
Advancement in technology has changed the way we look into the game art company development. Previously game were developed taking in account the skills of developers but now a days it has been put in…
22/11/29 22:21 いすず悠 さん
12月7日〜18日神戸阪急5階イベントスペースにて「MY ART展 vol.3」に参加します。以前、ミニ額で販売したことあるイラストを1枚、B5サイズで出展しま…
22/11/27 06:00 toliy さん
Best Games to Play on High-Quality Gaming Laptops
already worth the time spent on a laptop! Buy gaming related laptops now and start enjoying this phenomenal piece of art!UndertaleThere’s no better reason to buy laptops belonging to games than…
22/11/26 21:10 Olbaid さん
Deep Mandelbrot Set No.145 Mag=7.99x10^1471 This is a...
ins. I hope you enjoy it. The full size image(4096x4096px) of the final location is available on deviantArt.https://www.deviantart.com/olbaid-st/art/Deep-Mandelbrot-Set-145-Mag-1-26x10-1472-922583845…
22/11/23 04:41 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
S74見たら一緒やった https://t.co/9NkLMhYLNq 11-22 07:56 RT @AkariSayaka01: Hi! I started some art for school contest so needed to look for some references. I just needed some poor man dresse…
22/11/12 21:18 Olbaid さん
Dizziness - Shallow Mandelbrot Set No.49 This is a Mandelbrot...
al6. This time, the theme is dizzying blue. I hope you enjoy it.This video is based on the following fractal art still image.https://www.deviantart.com/olbaid-st/art/Mandelbrot-202-Dizziness-930295872…
22/11/09 08:01 toliy さん
Cocaine Addiction and Withdrawal
treatment centers are available to help you through your withdrawal and recovery. New state of the art technology can address cocaine addiction and its effects on your body as a whole including the ph…
22/11/08 05:01 明日武 さん
てもらっとったんかい。完全にズブズブやったんやな。11/07 10:22asm99rx78RT @art_bot_: 【オークション】売り手から作品を委託で預かり、専門家の鑑定を…
22/11/05 21:02 Olbaid さん
Deep Mandelbrot Set No.144 Magnification =2.40x10^4042 Part3...
Deep Mandelbrot Set No.144 Magnification =2.40x10^4042 Part3 This is a fractal zoom video of Mandelbrot Set. This time it is a zoom video with a magnification factor of 10 to the 4042nd power (≈2^13…
22/11/04 05:01 明日武 さん
1/03 18:28asm99rx78RT @VGDensetsu: Yuji Kaida / 開田裕治 confirmed to me that he did the cover art for Ex-Ranza, the Japanese version of the Mega Drive game Range…11/03 18:27asm99rx78RT @VGDense…
22/11/02 06:34 toliy さん
Book Marketing 101 – Enhance Your Publisher’s Efforts
are experts in taking a book from manuscript to retail stores with perfection. No matter how many articles you might have read about the enticement of self-publishing or “vanity” publishe…
22/10/31 05:12 岩村月子 さん
今日の進捗 . . . . . . . . . . #illustration #mangaart #art...
今日の進捗..........#illustration #mangaart #art #otakuart #otaku #wip #artworks #popart #drawing #draw #graphicart #drawing #draw #rough #roughsketch #making #howtodraw #絵 #らくがき #モ…