22/11/19 04:01 日宮理李 さん
hinomiya18babu むしろ○刑だけでいいんじゃないか https://t.co/bj6H3hYPwt 11-18 23:54 RT @NIKKE_japan: 【お詫び】本日開催の「協同作戦」にて、一部の指揮官にお…
22/11/12 05:01 明日武 さん
sm99rx78@ntsu579 @Shibattea BLACKJACK氏、まだ中学生位の頃です。11/11 13:02asm99rx78@ntsu579 @Shibattea こんにちは。そうですねぇ。まだ、BLACK JACK氏、この当時は医…
22/11/05 06:55 toliy さん
Betting Odds – Maximise Your Chances of Winning
choice among them. Some of the games under this category are soccer, baseball, cricket, lotto, blackjack, etc. PaddyPower, Totesport and Belfred are the premier online betting companies that offer gr…
22/11/05 03:33 GEN さん
22/10/31 03:50 chienu さん
22:34 RT @onafunafu: うわあああBJ大っ好きなのでこのパロコラボ最高すぎますうつうううう!!!!!! …
22/10/27 04:40 med_ley(ΘΘ) さん
味!どん兵衛はレンジでチンすれば一瞬でモチモチの生麺風に https://t.co/BJ9519lX8F #macaroni @macaroni_newsより そのうち試してみよう 10-26 18:31 明後日アニ…
22/10/19 07:06 toliy さん
Online Slot Games And Payout Rates
ng slots that offer a progressive Jackpot.“Hot” Slot GamesJust like it happens with blackjack or roulette, where some variations of the game are more popular than others, there are some sl…
22/09/28 05:34 ChouIsamu さん
のだろうか。 それにしても当時の少年チャンピオンは他にも、「ブラックジャック」 、「がきデカ」 、「マカロニほうれん荘」等、綺羅星のよう…
22/09/25 07:29 toliy さん
Casino Games – There Are Still New Online Casino Games
ntage of casino makes about 8%.If you like to play blackjack and to bargain when playing club poker you need to have a look at Hold’em Blackjack (only InterPoker has it). The authors of game had…
22/09/20 06:21 toliy さん
Top 10 Reasons Slot Machines Are Fun
such a huge house edge or a game purely based on luck. These same friends then head off to the Blackjack tables to martingale their mortgages away.I really don’t get it – what’s so …
22/09/14 05:01 明日武 さん
/t.co/Utd5imxFNP09/13 09:23asm99rx78RT @kotaeastwood: 手塚治虫先生の原作版『ブラック・ジャック』の10話以上あるお蔵入り回は本当に読んでみたいな…〓〓本当…
22/09/04 04:04 みやぎ さん
みなさい 09-03 21:09 @kurogoma418 あわわほんとだ!おんなじのだったですねさすがくらげかわいい…! 09-03 21:07 ねこさま https://t.co/H0uzC6M8bj 09-03 18:33 …
22/08/23 05:55 toliy さん
Online Slot Games And Payout Rates
ng slots that offer a progressive Jackpot.“Hot” Slot GamesJust like it happens with blackjack or roulette, where some variations of the game are more popular than others, there are some sl…
22/08/03 11:07 toliy さん
Online Casinos Vs The Traditional Casino
e table with other players and you are all playing against the dealer. There is an advantage in blackjack where seeing the other players cards will give you clues as to which cards are still left in t…
22/08/01 10:24 toliy さん
Paid to Travel? Can You Really Get Paid to Travel (or for Free?)
o wander the world for the next few years. You might as well go to your nearest casino and play blackjack. If you can pull of this occupation (and to those that currently do this), I tip my hat to you…
22/07/31 06:31 toliy さん
Fun Casino – A Guide to Getting Started
paid from the above odds plus your original stake money!BlackjackPlayers sit around the semi-circular fun casino table facing the dealer. The object of the game is for players to hold a hand that is h…
22/07/24 00:39 ことぶきまいむ さん
22/07/16 05:01 明日武 さん
ン大投票】好きなウルトラ怪獣[ザンボラー]に投票しました! https://t.co/T1bJ2V3wo3 #nhk #ウルトラマン #全ウルトラマン07/15 17:30asm99rx78RT @hrathnir7: 優秀な…
22/07/13 05:01 明日武 さん
ことです。事実この事件の報道で統一教会こそ諸悪の…07/13 01:26asm99rx78RT @Bj6Cv: @mIB9btG38wZRWrw 元首相が銃撃されるのがテロ以外のなんだってんだ?07/13…
22/07/08 04:09 BAD さん
の好きなブラックジャック 無頭児が出てくるやつかな。奇形児のグロテスクさも子供心に見世物的な怖さで興味を引いたが、なによりもBJ の「医者…