23/09/18 19:50 luna さん
erkunden jenseits der Oberfläche
hinaus und werden zu einem Objekt, das mit Sex, Befriedigung und emotionalen Bedürfnissen verbunden ist. In diesem Artikel werden die Beweggründe hinter Sexpuppen, kulturelle Veränderungen und die…
22/12/12 19:00 かやは さん
ような気が…?? pic.twitter.com/c9JE0LTXAq— 壺のメシ屋 (@TsuboMessiah) December 11, 2022 ○こういうのもっともっと○(801ちゃんも好きだけど)こっちのアジ…
22/12/12 14:24 nagisan さん
備忘録1212 best bought item 3 2022
大きいサイズ ギンガム チェック 無地 ピンク パープル ネイビー楽天市場3,280円流石にしまむらのpickはなかったので、楽天から適当に選んでみまし…
22/12/12 10:51 toliy さん
Advantages and Disadvantages of Tele-Pharmacy
as. In the absence of any pharmacy in these areas, patients lose access to vital health care services, which leads to medication errors, drug overdose, and adverse reactions due to multiple drug inter…
22/12/12 10:29 toliy さん
Benefits of Using Computerized Embroidery Machines
ier days, intricate patterns were stitched manually which required time and effort. Later, patterns were designed with the help of busbar machine but with the advance in science and technology, intric…
22/12/12 10:08 toliy さん
How Can I Invest in a Movie and Make Money With a Movie?
tual awakening movies investments, especially low budget movie investments, can be very lucrative. This can be true, and you may be excited about investing in a movie, but not know how to find a movie…
22/12/11 16:04 toliy さん
What Makes the Wooden Garage Kit a Better Choice
fact, since many places do not consider a garage made of wood to be a germinate structure, you may not have to obtain any permission or building permit at all. This will save you a lot of money, time…
22/12/11 14:46 toliy さん
Wood Flooring – Advantages, Styles, Types and Cuts
sively available in a plethora of colors, styles, cuts, and species. Whether you are opting for conventional Pine, Mahogany, Oak, or fashionable Cork or Bamboo, you can always get hold of the one that…
22/12/11 14:26 toliy さん
Commercial Flooring – Under-Floor Surfaces For Natural Stone Carpets
cially exquisite concrete designs for application to any type of fixed under-floor. This should, however, be dry and free of dust. Any old adhesives must first be removed. The floor temperature should…
22/12/11 14:04 toliy さん
Waterproof Coat – Stay Warm and Dry in All Types of Weather
a climate that has any wet Epoxy Business Near Me at all, then you need a waterproof coat. You have two choices: you can buy a waterproof coat, or you can waterproof your own.Types of Waterproof Coat…
22/12/11 13:41 toliy さん
Choosing the Best Laminate Flooring Quality
In the modern world, there is an increased demand for interior design services, the laminate Garage Coatings College Station interior decoration being one of them. This art of decorating the floor is …
22/12/11 08:46 ChouIsamu さん
米ワシントン州、2019 年以来初めてオオスズメバチが確認されない 1 年に
、俗に Japanese beetle と呼ばれる日本在来のマメコガネ (Popillia japonica) を 23,000 匹捕獲。捕獲数は 2021 年から増加しているが、検出数はわずかに減少し…
22/12/11 07:25 toliy さん
10 Realities Christians Don’t Like About Being Christian
n extending Jesus’ Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) within the circles of our influence.But, there are parts of the faith-life that don’t always sit well. These are some of the realitie…
22/12/11 07:04 toliy さん
Challenges in Introducing Value Education at Higher Education in India
ERT and others for effectively imparting the value education to the school students. In this context, many innovative educational practices are being identified by the experts. Good number of experime…
22/12/11 05:33 ChouIsamu さん
のため一太郎のみでの値付けも表に出ており、DVD-ROM / ダウンロード版で 4,500 円である。昨年個人向け ATOK が完全に Passport 化した際に注目されてい…
22/12/11 04:41 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
Krsg_Koryusai AI powered fighter jet to be developed by UK, Japan and Italy – BBC News https://t.co/ml1nmh3VfD @YouTubeから 12-10 00:06 …
22/12/11 01:49 myuRanRan さん
g at love level 3,, and the position of the button sticking out.We have prepared a patch to fix this issue. Since it is happening in all versions including his latest version,We apologize for …
22/12/10 20:10 Olbaid さん
Mandelbrot Landscape No.84 This is a Mandelbrot Set zoom...
tried to compute the Manderbrot Set using Blender’s geometry node. I subdivided the plane into 1920x1920, but small oscillations in the details could not be suppressed. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.…