12/12/10 21:00 へたぴ さん
[まとめのまとめ] オタク:コミケ運営、テロ予告に屈して「黒子のバスケ」関連の出店中止を決定(2012/12/10のニュースレ)
2012秋】 (moeyo.com)・バイクはHondaに許諾申請中 コトブキヤ「わんおふ -one off- 汐崎春乃」の彩色サンプル 【メガホビ2012秋】 (moeyo.com)・【コラム・ネ…
12/11/28 21:00 へたぴ さん
[まとめのまとめ] ネット:スカスカおせち事件から約2年 バードカフェが復活宣言!(2012/11/28のニュースレ)
発売 (アキバBlog(秋葉原ブログ))<AA>【Amazon.co.jp限定】わんおふ-one off-第1巻(超豪華“わんおふ"なプレゼント抽選券付)(初回限定) [Blu-ray]・ヱヴ…
12/10/01 23:55 りゅか さん
佐藤利奈、酢水佳織、植田佳奈、松来未祐、生天目仁美・わんおふ -one off- 後藤沙緒里、早見沙織、矢作紗友里、喜多村英梨、小林ゆう・てーきゅう…
12/09/22 14:49 kouotsu さん
o that job by now you may have a family, or even just a relationship that will take a lot of your off-time.In short I think for the most part they don’t intentionally shrink their online presenc…
12/08/24 23:43 クジ さん
e same thing, yet they’re not at fault. I personally don’t like it when any fanart is off-model (or rather, so off model it’s unrecognisable as that character, although one’s o…
12/08/07 00:00 kagetuna さん
【Amazon.co.jp限定】わんおふ-one off-第1巻(超豪華“わんおふ"なプレゼント抽選券付)(初回限定) [Blu-ray] 出版社/メーカー: 松竹 …
12/07/24 00:20 kouotsu さん
you??I dunno! I clicked on a friend’s post so I went to her actual page rather than her dashboard so maybe that’s how??? but I didn’t click on any off-site link so it’s spooky…
12/07/02 02:07 kouotsu さん
thegoodsonisbad: dsylecxia: this comic expresses my antisocial...
umor and hang with them but there’s no way of saying that without it coming off as snobbish and off-puttingwhen really its just more likehi potential friend do you want to talk about nerdy shit and …
12/06/18 00:05 きづき とものぶ さん
kiwidoll_jp: RT @m_nagra: 【定期】7月15日開催!第15回MR2 Owner's Off-line Meeting in 九州、参加者募集中!詳しくはこちらまで!→ http://t.co/8j966pzS #MR2九州OFF コ…
12/06/10 13:11 クジ さん
Wow, I can’t believe people got upset about that comic; I...
ition on Wikipedia:In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, wit…
12/06/07 06:32 the-ta さん
mirell_strife: KeisukeHattori・Atomic・ONOKEN・off-beatとかどこのDiverseだwwwwwwwwww
mirell_strife: KeisukeHattori・Atomic・ONOKEN・off-beatとかどこのDiverseだwwwwwwwwww…