13/03/29 14:03 っk さん
グ OP「Preserved Roses」/歌:T.M.Revolution☓水樹奈々ED「僕じゃない」/歌:angela■各局放送開始日時◯MBS 4月11日(木)25時35分~◯TBS 4月12日(金)25時55分…
13/03/04 22:26 Ryo1 さん
13/02/09 03:38 鈴木丁 12/31東D42b さん
zuki 早く冬終われ・・・冬は苦手だ・・・ 02-08 05:02 ヴァルヴレイヴEDがangelaさんか。これは期待。 02-08 05:22 画質高すぎヤバイhttp://t.co/Fn6yMoGo 02-08 …
12/12/31 18:54 Ryo1 さん
12/12/28 12:52 らごすぴ*12/29(木)西2-と15a さん
12/11/05 21:01 つゆり八重 さん
12/10/12 22:17 VIX さん
鳥NHK みんなのうた で使われていたようです・Shangri-La 歌:如月千早angelaさんの曲 アニメ『蒼穹のファフナー』のOPこれは聞いたことある方が多…
12/10/03 01:44 mandi さん
mandimandi: @angela__c toy called koedachan, so cute!! but not popular on pixiv! i didn't buy any cause i think once i start buying em, i can't stop :(…
12/09/30 12:00 mandi さん
mandimandi: @angela__c thanks!! the chicken soup was so yummy!! thanks!!
mandimandi: @angela__c thanks!! the chicken soup was so yummy!! thanks!!…
12/09/27 16:03 mandi さん
mandimandi: RT @angela__c: The kitten finally found a use for the cup holder on her throne - storage for her pet octopus. http://t.co/LXKs2Glv…
12/09/27 16:02 mandi さん
mandimandi: @angela__c in Japan there is a law against making people get small prizes to trade in for a big one, something like that…
12/09/27 16:00 mandi さん
mandimandi: @angela__c so they make say 4 of 5 easy to get, so users feel theyre getting almost there, but the last one costs hundreds of dollars to win…
12/09/27 15:59 mandi さん
mandimandi: @angela__c regular gacha you just get stuff randomly. comp gacha, you must complete a set of 5 random items to get the main prize…