16/05/02 16:08 ミドリフグ さん
White Glint & V.O.B. ホワイト・グリント
This is Kotobukiya’s “Armored Core – White Glint & V.O.B. Movie Color Ver.”; Roughly 7 months of regular work went into assembling and painting this kit.White Glint Wallpap…
16/05/02 16:08 しあんぷりん さん
White Glint & V.O.B. ホワイト・グリント
This is Kotobukiya’s “Armored Core – White Glint & V.O.B. Movie Color Ver.”; Roughly 7 months of regular work went into assembling and painting this kit.White Glint Wallpap…
16/05/02 16:08 オーシー さん
White Glint & V.O.B. ホワイト・グリント
This is Kotobukiya’s “Armored Core – White Glint & V.O.B. Movie Color Ver.”; Roughly 7 months of regular work went into assembling and painting this kit.White Glint Wallpap…
16/05/02 16:08 okifuji さん
White Glint & V.O.B. ホワイト・グリント
This is Kotobukiya’s “Armored Core – White Glint & V.O.B. Movie Color Ver.”; Roughly 7 months of regular work went into assembling and painting this kit.White Glint Wallpap…
16/05/02 16:08 yasu1100r さん
White Glint & V.O.B. ホワイト・グリント
This is Kotobukiya’s “Armored Core – White Glint & V.O.B. Movie Color Ver.”; Roughly 7 months of regular work went into assembling and painting this kit.White Glint Wallpap…
16/05/02 16:08 生ハッハ 鮎 さん
White Glint & V.O.B. ホワイト・グリント
This is Kotobukiya’s “Armored Core – White Glint & V.O.B. Movie Color Ver.”; Roughly 7 months of regular work went into assembling and painting this kit.White Glint Wallpap…
16/05/02 16:08 桃内 さん
White Glint & V.O.B. ホワイト・グリント
This is Kotobukiya’s “Armored Core – White Glint & V.O.B. Movie Color Ver.”; Roughly 7 months of regular work went into assembling and painting this kit.White Glint Wallpap…
16/05/02 16:08 単3 さん
White Glint & V.O.B. ホワイト・グリント
This is Kotobukiya’s “Armored Core – White Glint & V.O.B. Movie Color Ver.”; Roughly 7 months of regular work went into assembling and painting this kit.White Glint Wallpap…
16/04/27 23:51 T25_owner さん
に忙しくても新作フチ子を買い逃さない卑弥呼さん…posted at 22:00:14RT @kotobukiya_p: 【FAガール バーゼラルド解説】 フレームアームズ・ガール 「バー…
16/03/17 22:57 ぺたん さん
ei_newsよりposted at 18:43:08ちょっと行こうか揺らいだよねposted at 18:25:38RT @Kotobukiya_akb: 【コトブキヤ秋葉原館】Cafe de SideM:只今のお時間はフリー入場を…
16/03/12 22:49 ぺたん さん
て殿堂入りへ)#声優アワード #agqr pic.twitter.com/trQrBozXfEposted at 18:56:21RT @Kotobukiya_akb: 【コトブキヤ秋葉原館】本日より開催!:アイドルマスター SideM …