21/06/09 03:01 chienu さん
RT @TOWER_Shinjuku: 【 #CD入荷情報】#GASTUNK NewALBUM「VINTAGE SPIRIT, THE FACT」本日入荷?今作はニュードラマーを迎え、約33年振りとなるフルアルバ…
21/05/24 12:15 素人大学生 さん
Only intelligent people can use Facebook and Twitter. Here is why.
briefly described why facebook is not good for most of the non intelligent people.well known fact.https://keitaroimo.bandcamp.com/https://www.pixiv.net/users/3914877twitter: @keisuganorap…
21/05/24 08:09 素人大学生 さん
The true reason why I started drawing cartoon 'Communist Daily'
ompromise your safety. Any nation has their families, stories, and their daily lives but the fact that people are easily tend to target the group you don't belong to and attack/hate them, and thi…
21/04/21 05:04 ChouIsamu さん
勢力「チャド変革友愛戦線 (FACT)」との戦いが激化しており、政府軍は直近の戦闘で300人を殺害したと発表した一方、FACT側も大統領が負傷したと主張…
21/01/22 14:56 素人大学生 さん
nizing stress is really correct or not. In my understandings the `stress`, itself is not the only factor which appears in front of the perception of individuals but it is a concocted entity with... su…
20/10/22 22:05 素人大学生 さん
ially because patriotism is sort of negation of the external enemy as a threat. As the well-known-fact, a government or any subsidiary organizations does educate (a.k.a brainwash) its people with the …
20/08/04 05:01 明日武 さん
so, I know the value in the "Honor of Gundams" because it's heavily tied to Japans Industrial Manufacturing…08/03 19:10asm99rx78@yoshi115t 午前中もリプ致しましたが、色んな意味で…
20/03/29 05:01 明日武 さん
lDonaldTrump: One of the reasons that Fake News has become so prevalent & far reaching is the fact that corrupt “journalists” base t…03/28 21:40asm99rx78RT @numacchi_00: 4枚では足ら…
20/01/31 15:05 nagisan さん
のか。真実はどっちなのか?現実はどちらなのか?乞うご期待!### the real fact of "the center of garden"2001に起きた「白雪姫症候群」とはいったいなんだっ…
19/11/03 04:29 ChouIsamu さん
Resistance Action Center、Natural Resources Defense Council (NDRC)、Food Animal Concerns Trust (FACT)、U.S. PIRG Education Fundが作成したもので、今年で5年目となる。調査は米国…
19/09/25 20:46 nagisan さん
何をしている時が、リラックスできる?▼本日限定!ブログスタンプ あなたもスタンプをGETしよう主婦っ...
19/08/13 05:01 明日武 さん
しい人のために転売目的での爆買いは辞めることだ。08/12 06:54asm99rx78RT @fact39030919: @ayaya_geass 転売ヤーを許すな! https://t.co/GisJ8R0URI08/12 06:53asm99rx78RT @ka…
19/08/01 04:49 Himeno さん
タル 2012年03月楽天ブックスAmazonアーマード・コア5公式設定資料集ーthe FACT-posted with ヨメレバファミ通編集部 エンターブレイン 2012年09月楽天ブッ…
19/05/29 22:37 T25_owner さん
りゃ良いんじゃないの?? 吸わんので知らんけど…posted at 20:44:12RT @Fuzz_Fact_mhw: @pinball_love 愛煙家ですけど番号で言わないほうが悪い。この画像で何…
19/01/24 17:18 機動工廠 さん
SHUTTER POSiTiON 20190125風邪をひいたら休ませろ!実際にインフル...
tch a cold make me rest! There are some people who died of falling from the station's home in fact they were fluffy with influenza! 20181219_最新スケジュール …………………………
18/12/30 14:42 星 倫吾 さん
11日「シンデレラ☆ステージ7STEP」・5月3日「My Best Friend 12」・6月9日「in fact blue"se"」・8月11日「コミックマーケット96/3日目」明日の冬コミ3日目は一…
18/08/24 19:07 ヴァイスカイザー さん
『検察側の罪人』 感想 / Thoughts on Killing for the Prosecution (2018)
ht is just plain stupid.The ending seemed anti-climatic at first, but thinking about it after the fact leaves me far more satisfied with it. With this being a Japanese movie, I was afraid that it migh…
18/06/26 13:07 Hiropon さん
crystalline-visionns: peppermonster: oh-deir: ACTUAL MESSAGE...
paint Summer as a bitch because she just wasn’t as into the dude and he was into her. Like, the fact that he started to hate and be annoyed by the very things he used to love about her, shows she ne…
18/04/08 14:11 Hiropon さん
cle. I’ve started going to the gym recently to relieve stress and help me sleep but despite the fact that I fit into shirts and skirts in size small, I’ve been asked if I’m trying to lose weight…