22/07/09 10:01 ホシキラ さん
ださいませ   2022年8月3日~12日東広島芸術文化ホールくらら「ART STUDIO KIRA2022~虹の舞~」教室発表会&空想絵画展示会  イラスト…
22/07/08 13:32 亜珠チアキ さん
Fan art [ Call of the Night - Nazuna Nanakusa ]ファンアート [...
Fan art [ Call of the Night - Nazuna Nanakusa ]ファンアート [ よふかしのうた - 七草ナズナ]…
22/07/05 07:21 岩村月子 さん
今日の進捗 . . . . . . . . . . #illustration #mangaart #art...
今日の進捗..........#illustration #mangaart #art #otakuart #otaku #wip #artworks #popart #drawing #draw #graphicart #drawing #draw #rough #roughsketch #making #howtodraw #絵 #らくがき #モ…
22/07/04 09:24 岩村月子 さん
今日の進捗 . . . . . . . . . . #illustration #mangaart #art...
今日の進捗..........#illustration #mangaart #art #otakuart #otaku #wip #artworks #popart #drawing #draw #graphicart #drawing #draw #rough #roughsketch #making #howtodraw #絵 #らくがき #モ…
22/07/03 21:11 岩村月子 さん
昔仕事で描いた絵 Viv-agada knabino (Live-action...
tion #mangaart #art #otakuart #otaku #artwork #artworks #popart #building #architecture #photoretouch #drawing #draw #graphicart #イラスト #絵 #漫画絵 #近未来 #sciencefictionart https://ww…
22/07/02 10:56 Olbaid さん
Heart to heart - Shallow Mandelbrot Set No.43 This is a...
Heart to heart - Shallow Mandelbrot Set No.43 This is a Mandelbrot Set zoom fractal video rendered with UltraFractal6. I hope you enjoy it.This video is based on the following fractal art still image.…
22/07/02 04:41 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2) #TINAMI #タイヤ https://t.co/xo9bjUdXUD 07-01 22:32 RT @olgatokariuk: 'To Grieve'. Art by 15 y.o. Ukrainian Khrystyna Danko, my friend's daughter ❤️…
22/07/01 16:22 素人大学生 さん
Why are manga artists so concerned about the sexual expression of "non-existent youths"?
 I have written about this topic many times in articles, but since it seems that the activists still relentlessly want to "regulate manga/anime" in collusion with politicians, I would like to cla…
22/06/29 14:27 かみさか さん
を載せて頂いた特集ページはこちらhttps://market.orilab.jp/blog/20220607-2/It’s my art for a new mug. I’ve got this designed mug and photo and they’re really cute! It’s my new fa…
22/06/25 20:46 Olbaid さん
Red brot - Mandelbrot Landscape This is a Mandelbrot Set zoom...
rendered with Blender. This is a slightly spooky Mandelbrot set in red. I hope you enjoy it.This video is based on the following fractal art.https://www.deviantart.com/olbaid-st/art/Red-brot-920419887…
22/06/20 22:30 Nancou さん
I love your art obe been following for years and also you have a Twitter?
thank you!軟鋼@1日目東 “I " 17a (@nancou_11) | Twitter
22/06/20 18:07 岩村月子 さん
星と革命と坂口杏子 部分(2015) Stars, revolution and Kyoko Sakaguchi...
(2015)Sample drawing for mangaart...........#illustration #mangaart #art #otakuart #otaku #artwork #artworks #popart #mono #monochrome #monotone #drawing #draw #graphicart #イラスト #モノクロ …
22/06/18 21:54 Olbaid さん
Deep Mandelbrot Set - Magnification 4.45x10^875 This is a...
joy it. ———- The full size image(4096x4096px) of the last location is available on deviantArt.https://www.deviantart.com/olbaid-st/art/Deep-Mandelbrot-Set-138-Magnification-7-53e-875-902145597…
22/06/04 21:17 Olbaid さん
Hatsu Hinode - Mandelbrot Landscape This is a Mandelbrot Set...
and was inspired by the first sunrise of the year. I hope you enjoy it.This video is based on the following fractal art. https://www.deviantart.com/olbaid-st/art/Mandelbrot-143-Hatu-hinode-656130879…
22/06/03 14:15 岩村月子 さん
今日の進捗 . . . . . . . . . . #illustration #mangaart #art...
今日の進捗..........#illustration #mangaart #art #otakuart #otaku #wip #artworks #popart #graphicart #制作過程 #3dcg #3dcharacter #vroid #vroidstudio https://www.instagram.com/p/CeVL5BdrrOn/…
22/06/03 05:01 明日武 さん
ー#今日は何の日 #6月2日 #裏切りの日 #funart #ラクガキ #ファンアートの境界を考える #イラスト #illustration #art #drawing #絵描きさんと繋がりたい #絵描…
22/05/28 21:01 Olbaid さん
Deep MAndelbot Set - Magnification 3.30x10^1524 Part2 This is...
Deep MAndelbot Set - Magnification 3.30x10^1524 Part2 This is a fractal zoom video of Mandelbrot Set. This time, the Mandelbrot set consists of wave patterns. Since the magnification is 10 to the 1500…