12/03/07 14:15 kouotsu さん
seibei: thedailywhat: On Kony 2012: I honestly wanted to stay...
end terrorism. The LRA might collapse, but, as Foreign Affairs points out, it is “a relatively small player in all of this — as much a symptom as a cause of the endemic violence.”Myopically pla…
12/03/02 09:47 yasu さん
11/03/17 13:03 Kxela さん
Subtokyo: Tokyo Anime Fair VS Anime Contents Expo
Welcome to the first episode of Subtokyo: Japanese Subculture Vlog!This is episode 001.A small segment going over the Situation between the Popular Tokyo Anime Fair, The new Anime Contents Expo, and T…
11/03/12 18:24 Kxela さん
Night in Shibuya Day after Earthquake
well over 50 aftershocks, of which at least 20 of them I felt. All of them were for the most part small shakes. Made this vlog last night:Well, for most of the day the aftershocks continued, at around…
11/02/13 17:14 Kxela さん
Tsukkomi! (Tsukuba Comic Festa) 2011
n this Sunday.I went after meeting a few awesome folks back in Wonfes last week. While they had a small vendors and Doujinshi circle section, a lot of the focus was on cosplay- Mainly the Open Area an…
10/08/16 22:21 ジイン@お仕事募集中 さん
『時の傷痕』と『太陽は昇る』がリクエストツートップで揃って流れ『SMALL TWO OF PIECES〜軋んだ破片〜』が続いたことによりわたくし血湧き肉躍り本…