21/07/24 09:38 Olbaid さん
Wooden cube brot - Mandelbrot LandscapeThis is a Mandelbrot Set...
. I also like how the video turned out like a time lapse, although it was not my intention. I hope you enjoy it.This video is based on the following fractal art.https://www.deviantart.com/olbaid-st/ar…
21/07/22 03:01 chienu さん
17:23 Barbara Lynn - You'll Lose a Good Thing (HD) youtu.be/1uZ9x_UQax8 @YouTubeより 今日はブルース聴きまくるぞー …
21/07/21 11:45 忍 さん
onal views of the mistletoe spawning scene have been added.Next time I will make a queen bee.Thank you very much for those who cooperated with English translation.I’m looking for an English tran…
21/07/18 09:20 Olbaid さん
Deep Mandelbrot Set - Magnification 2.04e1086 This is a...
ombination of needle and net patterns. I used a flickering gradation that resembles flames. I hope you enjoy it. The full size image(4096x4096px) of the last location is available on deviantArt. htt…
21/07/17 03:38 素人大学生 さん
Wac Stack feat. Bindi Bardz | keitaroimo
utate it can'tput up with the old shallow serious magotNobody wants him cuz GDP down, assholeCould you pour water on my head maybe test it unit fighter brah star power showernot taking risk nothing ca…
21/07/15 04:44 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
gain, #Jashin chan's new release translated immediately. How many times do you make me say “How!?”Anyway, you did an excellent job.Oh, and the thread died immediately too, what a shame. #Jas…
21/07/14 06:01 ChouIsamu さん
ト Toomics が Google に送ったもので、同サイト掲載作品「Sweet Bitter Love」「You Have The Wrong Person」の著作権が侵害されているとしてWeb検索結果のインデッ…
21/07/12 01:30 六条 麦 さん
公式配信- youtu.be/2s3ceins5Gw @YouTubeよりposted at 14:21:10[画像]『そんなモス ナースでっせ』小野大輔さんなのかナニワ商人なのか。相変わらずYou Tubeの自…
21/07/10 07:45 集積屋 さん
新しい時代に蘇る光。答えなき時代の中で、夢見る未来を勝ち取るための銃爪は―You’re the next TRIGGER!! ウルトラマントリガー 第1話「光を繋ぐもの」感想!
21/07/09 20:31 Olbaid さん
Something to keep in mind - Mandelbrot Landscape #59 This is a...
tely different from what it is now, but I think I was able to reproduce it reasonably well. I hope you enjoy it.This video is based on the following fractal art.https://www.deviantart.com/olbaid-st/ar…
21/07/03 10:59 李(すもも) さん
COLOR LOG BOOK - smm_mha's Ko-fi Shop
s a data book containing illustrations I’ve uploaded so far and three unpublished works.I hope you like it!…
21/07/02 20:14 Olbaid さん
Deep Mandelbrot Set #120 Magnification 5.34x10^497 This is...
Set. In this piece, I explored a location with a very delicate pattern. By moving the gradient, it emphasizes the pattern, and I think it turned out to be a very beautiful video. I hope you enjoy it.…
21/07/02 13:40 素人大学生 さん
ived today.This book was viral in Japan as well and a lot of influencers (I mean sort of financial YouTubers) referred to this author so frequently, and also some of my acquaintances as well so person…
21/07/02 03:01 chienu さん
roadcast from the Midnight Channel ?Persona 4 Golden has sold 1 million copies on Steam! Thank you for your su… …
21/07/01 05:01 明日武 さん
1966/05/25、フジテレビ) https://t.co/iISodhy8Nh06/30 17:24asm99rx78RT @animesongbot_1: DON'T YOU…?/堀江美都子、タイム・ファイブ「ひみつのアッコちゃん(第2作)」ED(198…
21/06/28 19:50 Tico さん
です。 原題が「DOG IS LOVE」、そしてサブタイトルが「Why and How Your Dog Loves You」となっていて、 つまりは「犬ってあんなに愛情表現が豊かだけ…
21/06/28 04:26 肉弾丸 さん
ンダム 後期OP 】『Trust You Forever』を鵜島仁文さんと松澤由美のコラボで歌って頂いた!【 アニフラ 】 https://t.co/5BNdkqDbhi @YouTubeより 鵜島さんとのデ…
21/06/27 15:24 SN さん
為20時以降でログインできるかなー?【本家ロックマンwebオンリー】Rock you!!※メタルマンヒーローズで参加。ジャンル初参戦なので新刊を出します…
21/06/27 10:23 ChouIsamu さん
環境問題へ積極的に取り組む Microsoft に対し、同社製品の修理しやすさも改善すべきという株主提案
組む非営利組織 As You Sow が16日、電子ごみに関する持続可能なポリシーを定めるよう Microsoft に求める株主提案を行ったそうだ(As You Sow のプレスリリ…
21/06/27 08:30 ChouIsamu さん
ンネル、怪しい賞品による入隊勧誘が禁じられる 2020年07月19日 「Fuck you」をドイツ語に音写した「Fack ju」を含む商標の登録、EU司法裁が認める …