21/02/02 23:01 ChouIsamu さん
トウェアに秀でることができない?」(Why doesn’t Japan excel in software as they did in hardware?) というQuora記事の翻訳が話題になっていたので共有したい(Quor…
21/01/22 14:56 素人大学生 さん
Often, the conservative society criminalize the guy who say what he/she thinks directly. Such splendid opinion could be a threat to the already existing community such that he/she is blatantly humilia…
21/01/21 14:47 素人大学生 さん
ary books. though) and thought I could get over any complicated issues. One of my biggest sin is I did not spend my private time learning tech stuff, indifferent to the news or politics (or had intere…
20/12/24 04:12 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
ざいます。I ordered solo610 in middle November. They said stock situation:unknown but I dare did. And I receive a shipping notification today. Thanks #soundhouse https://t.co/UszU5lfLYr 12-23 …
20/12/13 13:30 素人大学生 さん
On Noam Chomsky's 'Who Rules the World?'
ch to grasp overseas is just refer to both the left and right opinions since it can give more vivid idea (with relatively less bias) what the nation is about.Such that in my position, it is highly evi…
20/12/09 05:00 YuK さん
Did a fun project I did for my old friend.It was his 2nd year Wedding Anniversary so he wanted a gift of couple's Amigurumi of him and his wife wearing their attire at the wedding. Real photo is kept …
20/11/03 12:30 黒翼猫 さん
が出てきていますが、実は2日前に既に根拠がないと判断されています。Did Pennsylvania Record Many More Mail-In Votes than Ballots Requested?しかし、この主張はひ…
20/10/22 22:05 素人大学生 さん
ned in former Nazis must be prevented again. One of my Chinese friends asked me why post-war Japan didn't resisted GHQ and she acclaimed that Japanese could resist against it, but I replied we cannot.…
20/10/16 10:00 ChouIsamu さん
代金が回収できない被害に 2020年07月04日 海賊版対策を行う企業、「did」という単語の使用は著作権侵害だとしてDMCAによる削除依頼を連発 2020…
20/10/15 09:04 ChouIsamu さん
改正著作権法、可決・成立 2020年06月05日 海賊版対策を行う企業、「did」という単語の使用は著作権侵害だとしてDMCAによる削除依頼を連発 2020…
20/09/21 19:02 かやは さん
み100円なのにメ○カリで500円。流行ってんなぁ。○歴史的ツイートPorygon did nothing wrong.— Pokemon (@Pokemon) September 19, 2020 例の回、私は学生でアニメ…
20/09/04 19:43 Olbaid さん
Deep Mandelbrot Set #100 Magnification 1.64e4806 Part3 ...
tremendous magnification, but I’m relieved to have completed it.I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.Because the magnification is so large, I split the video into three pieces to avoid the 128GB vid…
20/08/21 07:36 素人大学生 さん
Disposable email address can exploit your website.
going to be compromised without you or your coutry's government do not have any clue who on earth did it. (if the email address is created in specific domain such as Gmail, all we need to do is to as…
20/08/12 07:01 ChouIsamu さん
otify」、GitHubから削除される 2020年03月23日 海賊版対策を行う企業、「did」という単語の使用は著作権侵害だとしてDMCAによる削除依頼を連発 2020…
20/08/06 19:14 かやは さん
from shattered glass and windows as the second big explosion erupted in Beirut earlier today. She did not even think. Migrant workers deserve better in #Lebanon - this woman is a hero. pic.twitter.co…
20/07/23 05:01 明日武 さん
原さん 来てほしいものです https://t.co/R1u9bdbPYn07/23 01:22asm99rx78RT @BBCAMERICA: Did you know that sharks have a superpower that make them amazing predators? Learn about this special a…
20/07/22 05:01 明日武 さん
.co/XZ07jkF6h707/22 01:58asm99rx78RT @pimaarizona: Floods can happen anywhere and at any time. But did you know wildfires increase flood risks? It’s true. Wildfires like the…07/22 01:57asm99rx78RT…
20/07/13 07:01 ChouIsamu さん
121万円の罰金が命じられる 2020年04月28日 海賊版対策を行う企業、「did」という単語の使用は著作権侵害だとしてDMCAによる削除依頼を連発 2020…
20/05/15 19:52 Olbaid さん
Mandelbrot landscape #34 Refraction In this work, I took...
oplets. It was in 2016 that I created the piece on which this video is based, and it’s still one of my favorites.Also, this work did not take shape at low magnification (~1:16), so I made a new one.…
20/05/11 04:01 R^3 さん
h 05-10 22:13 無茶振り、好きに言ったらいい。参考にはしつつ、結局は好きに作るから。 05-10 22:00 RT @DominosMY: Did you know that Midgar was modeled after a pizza? …