15/03/24 00:21 ISISちゃんISISchan さん
isischan-2ch:The ISIS-chan is a personification character to...
isischan-2ch:The ISIS-chan is a personification character to disturb the propaganda of ISIS through google bombing.#isis chan #ISIS-chan #IslamicState #kdaash #国境なき絵師団 #集団的萌え…
15/03/23 17:55 kouotsu さん
nough. I’m self-conscious about my own designs which has led me to have a total of 1 original characters currently, and I still don’t have a color scheme or name for her. I guess in general I am a…
15/03/23 03:27 あ〜る さん
設会場痛車(四輪20台、二輪5台)・フリーマーケット2015年5月5/2(土)character1 2015東京ビッグサイト東6ホール裏駐車区画(予定)キャラクターコン…
15/03/23 02:10 ISISちゃんISISchan さん
The ISIS-chan is a personification character to disturb the...
The ISIS-chan is a personification character to disturb the propaganda of ISIS through google bombing.ISIS of search is grotesque and propaganda?Let’s fill in Moe!https://twitter.com/isisvipper…
15/03/20 22:16 ISISちゃんISISchan さん
The ISIS-chan is a personification character to disturb the...
The ISIS-chan is a personification character to disturb the propaganda of ISIS through google bombing.ISIS ちゃんはISIS(ISIL、IS、イスラム国)の擬人化キャラクターであり、…
15/03/20 14:15 ISAmu. さん
編昔ながらのドット絵ですが、パッケージのキャラ数に比べ 公式のアシストタブがやたら多いのが気になります…http://exbd.bngames.net/character/index.html …
15/03/20 01:23 ISISちゃんISISchan さん
The ISIS-chan is a personification character to disturb the...
The ISIS-chan is a personification character to disturb the propaganda of ISIS through google bombing.…
15/03/18 00:46 ISISちゃんISISchan さん
isischan-2ch:The ISIS-chan is a personification character to...
isischan-2ch:The ISIS-chan is a personification character to disturb the propaganda of ISIS through google bombing.ISIS ちゃんはISIS(ISIL、IS、イスラム国)の擬人化キャラクタ…
15/03/17 05:33 あ〜る さん
艦隊これくしょん~艦これ~オンリーイベント 痛車2015年5月5/2(土)character1 2015東京ビッグサイト東6ホール裏駐車区画(予定)キャラクターコン…
15/03/17 01:21 ISISちゃんISISchan さん
The ISIS-chan is a personification character to disturb the...
The ISIS-chan is a personification character to disturb the propaganda of ISIS through google bombing.…
15/03/17 01:18 ISISちゃんISISchan さん
isischan-2ch:The ISIS-chan is a personification character to...
isischan-2ch:The ISIS-chan is a personification character to disturb the propaganda of ISIS through google bombing.…
15/03/15 13:01 ISISちゃんISISchan さん
The #ISIS_chan is a personification character to disturb the...
The #ISIS_chan is a personification character to disturb the propaganda of ISIS through google bombing.ISIS of search is grotesque and propaganda?Let’s fill in Moe!https://twitter.com/isisvipper…
15/03/08 17:58 あ〜る さん
張メッセニコニコ動画総合イベント・痛車・コスプレ2015年5月5/2(土)character1 2015東京ビッグサイト東6ホール裏駐車区画(予定)キャラクターコン…
15/03/03 20:57 ISISちゃんISISchan さん
ntnobutan:ISIS Chan gonna be an Idol! didn’t she?Whatever,...
to ISIS356 group! ISIS-chan (Japanese: ISISちゃん, Aishisu Chan) is a moe anthropomorphized character for the jihadist rebel group Islamic State (IS) created by users of the Japanese text board si…
15/02/22 18:39 kouotsu さん
klaufir:Hey there, I’m going to be offering commissions,...
elative, and subject to change depending on complexity of character. -Additional characters in the same pic are all 75% of the first character.-Ask me if you want a background and we can discuss it!-I…
15/02/13 02:07 kouotsu さん
finished sculpting this character! ummmm this cute animu face...
finished sculpting this character! ummmm this cute animu face actually looks great from all angles and I’m very proud that I turned a blob into it…
15/02/09 23:29 kouotsu さん
Here is the sketch I was going to use as my submission to...
Udon’s Capcom Fighting Tribute. In the end I chose to spend my weekend on other art (original character sculpt I started the other day) and spending time with friends rather than go into crunch mode…
15/01/19 09:27 Y.T さん
… 263模型全長 … 166.6mmシリーズ … バーチャロン ©SEGA, 2001 CHARACTERS AUTOMUSS CHARACTER DESIGN : KATOKI HAJIME 富士教材ネットショップがYahoo!ショッピン…
15/01/17 04:00 Atelier Sentô さん
The Clock Master A watercolor painting for Tarô Sasagawa (a...
of Japanese antiques) who introduced us to the world of Karakuri Ningyô (mechanic dolls). The character - a small magician - is from his collection as well as the old clock. The panorama is one of o…