13/06/24 23:55 なちゃがる・なちゅDD さん
lt to operate.Because it is too soft,and it will expansion, when it was dryingThe detail is really bad. QAQSo. Do not watch carefully for a long time. ⊙﹏⊙bHave Fun,Thanks~~~Scale :1:10Height:15c…
13/06/07 22:51 kouotsu さん
jamietheignorantamerican: Things I feel shitty about #3432:...
norantamerican:Things I feel shitty about #3432: Opening up for CommissionsI hate when people feel bad about taking commissions because more needy people are also taking commissions. You are creating …
13/06/06 23:07 まそらかなた さん
良くないな。上半期一番のBad newsだよ。』私『上半期一番ですか…(まだ終わってないのに)』上司『そうだよ。The most bad newsってとこだな』私『そ…
13/05/26 02:34 素人大学生 さん
the issue of Japanese cram school
not provide so much time to the newbie education. I would like to show international net users the bad point of the corporation: they1. do not provide enough physical space for cram school teachers to…
13/05/23 15:57 さとうメメ子 さん
BAD ROMANCE【例大祭10サンプル/てるもこ】 by さとうメメ子 on pixiv 入稿しましたイェーーーイ!! サンプルpixivですいません。後一歩の…
13/05/20 02:19 小鳥遊いちご@悠遠幻想夏月団プロジェクト さん
13/05/19 23:12 ヒユサキ アヅミ さん
13/05/15 03:07 あ〜る さん
姉妹ぷち東方(咲夜)東風谷早苗鈴仙・優曇華院・イナバ紅 美鈴霧雨魔理沙Bad Apple!! 影絵PV 魂魄妖夢、西行寺幽々子チルノ魂魄妖夢快速あやもみボー…
13/05/04 21:13 kouotsu さん
hil fish is one of those people who thinks being a jerk is really funny but he’s just really bad at being funny…
13/04/29 22:39 クチビルケイソウ さん
なにやら「BAD END」と表示されていたので、どこで選択肢を間違えたのか…と思ってたのですが、気がついたら平常運転に。どうやらただの章のタイ…
13/04/26 19:42 kouotsu さん
raptorix: kouotsu: :) ok campbell’s i forgive you I agree...
atch any of the ingredients! I am suspecting there was a contaminated production run, that’s how bad it was. in any case this was worth pouring $3 down the drainfunnily enough the golden lentil madr…