21/12/25 16:36 かみさか さん
コーヴスさんと774さんの合同企画に参加させて頂きました!動画にもお邪魔しております。My cat for Christmas...
た!動画にもお邪魔しております。My cat for Christmas Exhibition by Corvus & 774. You can see all pictures in the movie below!▼Christmas Exhibition 2021https://youtu.be/0DjcUHjyVAM…
21/12/25 14:03 忍 さん
ss-sections for the erotic scenes between Iris and Queen Bee. I will do my best to make them.Thank you very much for those who cooperated with English translation.I’m looking for an English tran…
21/12/25 08:29 ChouIsamu さん
米 MVNO Mint Mobile、全国広告審議会の勧告に従って「Unlimited」表記をやめる
控訴していた。しかし、NARB は AT&T と NAD の意見に合意。審査委員は「YOU'VE GOT DATA」という見出しに「4GB」「10GB」「15GB」「UNLTD」というラベルの…
21/12/24 22:10 三多 さん
【キックボクシング】那須川天心 vs 武尊 が2022年6月に決定!! #k1 #RIZIN #RISE
もしくは…」と思っていたのですが、最近の那須川選手と内山高志さんのYou Tube動画で「今はキックに時間を割く」と言っていたので、その点の不安…
21/12/20 22:53 lotus045 さん
ループNiziUに、勇気や元気を、わけてもらっている。King&Princeもすごい。You Tubeも、面白い、笑顔になれる配信をみつけた。安住紳一郎の日曜天国も…
21/12/19 04:41 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
Krsg_Koryusai Alright, I promise I never blame you, so, anyone who thinks about HER immediately, raise your hand honestly. Good.Then you, you,,,and you, we need to talk later.'#Bocchi the Rock!&#…
21/12/18 22:24 Olbaid さん
Xmarble-run brot - Mandelbrot Landscape #68 This is a...
image is inevitably noticeable. If I ever do this again, I may have to get creative.Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.This video is based on the following fractal art. https://www.deviantart.com/olbaid-st/…
21/12/18 00:57 素人大学生 さん
People say 'Mortal Kombat' is violent and harmful game misses significant point
ere are so much taxations in many aspects, so people cannot be ultra rich since the government rip you off a lot of cash and it is going to be re-distributed to the poor. The poverty is one of the gre…
21/12/16 20:35 YuK さん
r but it has a same strength as regular yarn. So one strand of yarn can tear with a pull but once you crochet, it becomes tough material. This goes with paper raffia yarn. Haven't tested if this is…
21/12/15 05:01 明日武 さん
・ヒット・ライブ!ゲストボーカルとして藤原さくらさんの出演が決定!YOU & EXPLOSION BAND全メンバーが決定!#大野雄…12/14 20:04asm99rx78RT @uvatmmtofFKig…
21/12/11 20:42 Olbaid さん
Layer brot - Mandelbrot Landscape #67 This is a Mandelbrot Set...
ctal video rendered with Blender. A simple orbit-trap shaped Mandelbrot set with 30 layers. I hope you enjoy it.This video is based on the following fractal art.https://www.deviantart.com/olbaid-st/ar…
21/12/09 19:08 nagisan さん
備忘録1209 do you believe reincarnation?
サンタにプレゼントもらえるなら何欲しい? いつもこの手のお...
21/12/08 23:47 そうたつ さん
【告知】当方CD『Midnight Fragments』【収録曲がライブ演奏】されます!
ム「Le carnaval des animaux -動物学的大幻想曲-」・12/25:5周年記念ライブWish You Are Here【チケ売切れの為キャンセル待ち要チェック】他・キスエク公式サ…
21/12/08 12:30 黒翼猫 さん
l numbers in our edit interface. For example "10 cents" in your original text is represented as "XNUMX cents" in the edit interface, so if you translate "XNUMX cents" once, the same translation will b…
21/12/04 19:45 Olbaid さん
Deep Mandelbrot - Magnification 7.68x10^970 This is a fractal...
oom video of Mandelbrot Set. This time, it is the Mandelbrot set with many S-shaped curves. I hope you enjoy seeing how the complex pattern of the final location is composed. The full size image(4096…
21/12/02 12:19 李(すもも) さん
I plan to sell them as data at KO-FI later, but if you want them...
I plan to sell them as data at KO-FI later, but if you want them in paper form, please use the mail order service at Toranoana.https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/94512214https://ecs.toranoana.jp/joshi…
21/12/01 11:25 かみさか さん
愛い。I asked a commission from Aries to draw her character and make her look cool. Thank you for your commission!She has clear voice and posts videos of songs and games. Really cute girl. :Dhttps:…
21/12/01 11:25 かみさか さん
愛い。I asked a commission from Aries to draw her character and make her look cool. Thank you for your commission!She has clear voice and posts videos of songs and games. Really cute girl. :Dhttps:…