22/03/17 08:24 dcstudio さん
How To Make Her Fall In Love?: “Pagmamano” Dating A Filipina (Comics)
A Thing You Should Do When Dating A FilipinaAre you’re dating a Filipina or attracted to one, and you wanted to win her heart and her family, but you don’t know how? Maybe because you knew…
22/03/17 05:01 明日武 さん
ろか人としてもどうかしてると思うので、まずは…03/16 15:17asm99rx78RT @yzpedinvest: 診察中に動画撮影するのやめやがれください〓♂️生後2か月の初回…
22/03/16 08:00 dcstudio さん
Dating A Filipina: Mind-Blowing Filipino Superstition And Belief (Spiders)
Dating A Filipina Funny Comic Strips OnlineAre you dating a Filipina? Or are you married to one? Have you noticed that most Filipinos have a lot of superstitions and beliefs that we may find weird and…
22/03/15 08:34 dcstudio さん
Surprising Fact About The Philippines: Last Piece (Comic Strips Online)
(Comic Strips Online) Why Filipino Don’t Eat The Last Piece?Here are other comic strips online that show a surprising fact about Filipino Culture. Have you noticed that Filipino usually leave th…
22/03/14 12:00 黒翼猫 さん
【ネタ】Windows 11って手抜きOSじゃないですか!その7 / なんと、Windows 10時代からメモリリークの問題があったよ!
ルド 22000.652) プレビュー期限切れWindows 11 の4月のアップデートを見るとこっそり「毎日 24 時間使用されているWindows システムに影響するメモリ リ…
22/03/14 08:13 dcstudio さん
Unique And Unbelievable Filipino Belief And Superstition: Moths
Shocking Comic Strip Of Filipino Belief And SuperstitionThis time it’s my turn to tell you about this Filipino belief and superstition that will give you little goosebumps. Last episode Neechan …
22/03/13 10:42 ChouIsamu さん
ディズニー CEO、教室で性的指向や性同一性の指導を禁ずるフロリダ州の法案に反対しなかったことを謝罪
Parental Rights in Education」法案 (CS/CS/HB 1557 ) について、反対の声を上げなかったことを従業員に謝罪したそうだ(The Verge の記事)。この法案 (Internet Archive …
22/03/13 08:00 dcstudio さん
Epic Comic Strip When Dating A Japanese: Pancit Canton
Filipina Experience Dating A Japanese ManDating someone with a different language and culture is a combination of hard and fun. Sometimes they’re totally annoying, sometimes they’re not. A…
22/03/13 04:03 R^3 さん
kiginu ずっとこれ。 03-12 22:43 RT @CafeBreakin: やりたいことはいっぱいあるのに、やる気はゼロで、面倒くさくて、体は動かなくて、でも気持ちは焦っ…
22/03/12 21:37 Olbaid さん
H-Tree This video was created in Blender. I tried out the...
H-TreeThis video was created in Blender. I tried out the H-tree and found it rather beautiful, so I decided to make a video with movement. I hope you enjoy it.…
22/03/11 08:58 dcstudio さん
Surprising Superstition And Belief Of Filipinos That Is Part Of Their Culture: Itchy Palm
ps Of Superstition And Belief Of FilipinosWhen you’re dating a Filipina or have some Filipino friends you should know this superstition and belief of Filipinos. They have a lot of them that are …
22/03/11 05:01 明日武 さん
っかしてる訳だぞー自分がはずかしいぞーざまぁー ←03/10 22:22asm99rx78@wingletter 健康が一番です。お大事にしてください。03/10 22:20asm99rx78@nekotamamizuki …
22/03/10 15:55 素人大学生 さん
[REMIX] DANCE IN DA RAIN feat. Maya Miko by Keitaroimo…
22/03/10 09:08 dcstudio さん
Interesting Fast Fun Fact About Philippines: Kid’s Fight (Comic)
Amusing Fun Fact About PhilippinesHave you ever been to the Philippines? Did you know that the current population of the Philippines is 112,034,234 as of Wednesday, March 9, 2022, based on Worldom…
22/03/09 07:44 dcstudio さん
Fun Fact About Philippines That Will Blow Your Mind: Selfie
Philippines In A Comic StripNow, we will be talking about another surprising and weird fun fact about Philippines. Did you know that Filipinos love taking pictures? I know that you love taking pictur…
22/03/08 23:03 DQN さん
WIXOSS拡張パック「WELCOME BACK DIVA ~Lostorage~」より【羅原 In】
WIXOSS拡張パック「WELCOME BACK DIVA ~Lostorage~」より【羅原 In】…
22/03/08 13:03 dcstudio さん
(MUST READ!) Best Way How To Win A Heart Of A Filipina! Comic Strip
A Comic Strip On How To Win A Heart Of A FilipinaAre you currently dating a Filipina? Or do you want to date a Filipina but she’s either not interested or a bit distant? Now let me tell you my s…
22/03/08 05:01 明日武 さん
https://t.co/kNSyb06yxZ03/07 15:17asm99rx78RT @Masamin0824067: @tobi_jpn @kosho 世の中安穏になれ03/07 15:16asm99rx78RT @Yuutarosuhensin: 特撮界隈の謎多きおじさん3人組 https://t.…
22/03/07 12:42 dcstudio さん
Spooky And Funny Horror Story: The Victim (One-shot Comic)
reepy But Funny Horror Story (Comic)We present a new one-shot terrifying but funny horror story (narration) with an unexpected ending. Read our previous scary comic:Grandma .mailpo…
22/03/07 06:19 dcstudio さん
Fascinating, Surprising, And Fun Fact About Philippines: Buy 1 Take 1
Interesting And Fun Fact About PhilippinesHave you ever gone shopping in the Philippines? Or have you heard about how cheap Filipino things were? Well, this fun fact about Philippines that I am going …