22/01/08 22:34 Olbaid さん
Eyeverse This is a Mandelbrot Set zoom fractal video rendered...
d the eyes facing each other at the start of the zoom, I was quite surprised at the impact. I hope you enjoy it.This video is based on the following fractal art still image.https://www.deviantart.com/…
22/01/08 06:46 だいすけ さん
Not card games you can buy from your local store but games you can play with a poker deck, a tarot deck, or a decktet. Cheap, compact, portable. Even festive. (I don't know about you, but I have …
22/01/08 06:46 だいすけ さん
Not card games you can buy from your local store but games you can play with a poker deck, a tarot deck, or a decktet. Cheap, compact, portable. Even festive. (I don't know about you, but I have …
22/01/05 13:23 さいちんP さん
回やよいガシャで会いましょう。関連ミリシタやよいチャレンジ「SONG FOR YOU!ガシャ VOL.14」編ミリシタやよいイベントを走った記録 Deep, Deep Blue編ミ…
22/01/05 09:01 かみさか さん
finnley; his DnD characters.A kind boy and little hungry dragon. I thought they’re good friends and drew their life. Thank you for the commission!https://skeb.jp/@cmpollyanna/works/3Client★finnley…
22/01/05 09:01 かみさか さん
finnley; his DnD characters.A kind boy and little hungry dragon. I thought they’re good friends and drew their life. Thank you for the commission!https://skeb.jp/@cmpollyanna/works/3Client★finnley…
22/01/04 09:45 柚月 真桜 さん
ト−序章『始まりの時』(1-1) 始まりの時 I've been looking for you for a long time.Looking for who?My heart and my blood tell me where she is −作品概…
22/01/03 23:23 ナガリン さん
録画。でも楽しみに見ているものがあるんです、テレビじゃないですが。You Tubeの岡田斗司夫さんの動画です。ガイナックスの元社長で、今はゼミと…
22/01/03 04:35 だいすけ さん
eHey Everyone! We wanted to follow up on the questionnaire we have made some time ago and A LOT of you have filled out. First of all, it is a blast to see so many people complete the game!But we have …
22/01/02 15:16 Olbaid さん
Deep Mandelbrot - Magnification 7.55x10^1137 Happy New Year...
Deep Mandelbrot - Magnification 7.55x10^1137 Happy New Year to you and yours. I hope to see you again this year.This is a fractal zoom video of Mandelbrot Set. This time, it’s a Mandelbrot set wit…
22/01/02 04:03 R^3 さん
て特注… 01-01 22:39 わかった上でやるのは猫もそう。 01-01 22:37 RT @oshiroi_you: 年末に会った1歳育児中の義弟が穏やかにパワーワード連発してたので…
21/12/30 18:00 みるくる さん
ます。コミケに参加される方は、ぜひお越し下さいませそして、実はいまYou Tubeで毎週配信を行っておりますメイドの天川さんという、天川の大好き…
21/12/28 10:03 李(すもも) さん
Happy Birthday!May the light always remain with...
ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーIf you support us at KO-IF, Access to high quality illustrations with no watermarks.https://ko-fi.com/sm…
21/12/27 05:05 すみすず さん
sumisuzu01 @timmyxcon Thank You! 12-26 13:43 @nagisawa00 ありがとうございます!いってきます! 12-26 10:11 RT @sasorigatame: C99 1日目 東ク84b Dragon Kitchen にて頒布予…
21/12/27 05:01 明日武 さん
ablanc: Sisyphus—This was a commission, and it's easily one of my favorite pieces from this year!You can read more about th…12/26 10:08asm99rx78RT @s20120201n: (๑•ᴗ•๑)♪:*ぉはょぅ…
21/12/25 21:31 Olbaid さん
Deep Mandelbrot - Magnification 1.44x10^885 This is a fractal...
with lots of triangular meshes. The white, green, and purple colors each glow periodically. I hope you enjoy it.The full size image(4096x4096px) of the last location is available on deviantArt.https:/…
21/12/25 16:36 かみさか さん
Merry Christmas!コーヴスさんと774さんの合同企画に参加させて頂きました!動画にもお邪魔しております。My...
た!動画にもお邪魔しております。My cat for Christmas Exhibition by Corvus & 774. You can see all pictures in the movie below!▼Christmas Exhibition 2021https://youtu.be/0DjcUHjyVAM…