15/05/25 00:37 あ〜る さん
以前のレポートはこちら→ イベントレポートページ2015年5月5/2(土) character1 2015東京ビッグサイト東6ホール裏駐車区画(予定)キャラクターコン…
15/05/18 01:26 あ〜る さん
設会場痛車(四輪20台、二輪5台)・フリーマーケット2015年5月5/2(土) character1 2015東京ビッグサイト東6ホール裏駐車区画(予定)キャラクターコン…
15/05/15 22:01 ISISちゃんISISchan さん
Iron'naStyle deI(ai)suru mono wo mamoruShūdanteki-Moēken no...
的萌えー権(Shūdanteki-Moēken): Right of collective moeThe ISIS-chan is a personification character to disturb the propaganda of Daesh through google bombing.Daesh is called ISIS, ISIL, IS, isla…
15/05/14 03:08 ミドリフグ さん
Utsunekotei-san. I created the colors based off of my character in Final Fantasy XIV. I created the miniature book on her waist because my character is an Arcanist in the game and fights with books. I…
15/05/14 03:08 yasu1100r さん
Utsunekotei-san. I created the colors based off of my character in Final Fantasy XIV. I created the miniature book on her waist because my character is an Arcanist in the game and fights with books. I…
15/05/14 03:08 単3 さん
Utsunekotei-san. I created the colors based off of my character in Final Fantasy XIV. I created the miniature book on her waist because my character is an Arcanist in the game and fights with books. I…
15/05/14 03:08 しあんぷりん さん
Utsunekotei-san. I created the colors based off of my character in Final Fantasy XIV. I created the miniature book on her waist because my character is an Arcanist in the game and fights with books. I…
15/05/14 03:08 okifuji さん
Utsunekotei-san. I created the colors based off of my character in Final Fantasy XIV. I created the miniature book on her waist because my character is an Arcanist in the game and fights with books. I…
15/05/14 03:08 桃内 さん
Utsunekotei-san. I created the colors based off of my character in Final Fantasy XIV. I created the miniature book on her waist because my character is an Arcanist in the game and fights with books. I…
15/05/14 03:08 Yui さん
Utsunekotei-san. I created the colors based off of my character in Final Fantasy XIV. I created the miniature book on her waist because my character is an Arcanist in the game and fights with books. I…
15/05/14 03:08 オーシー さん
Utsunekotei-san. I created the colors based off of my character in Final Fantasy XIV. I created the miniature book on her waist because my character is an Arcanist in the game and fights with books. I…
15/05/14 03:08 生ハッハ 鮎 さん
Utsunekotei-san. I created the colors based off of my character in Final Fantasy XIV. I created the miniature book on her waist because my character is an Arcanist in the game and fights with books. I…
15/05/11 03:57 あ〜る さん
設会場痛車(四輪20台、二輪5台)・フリーマーケット2015年5月5/2(土) character1 2015東京ビッグサイト東6ホール裏駐車区画(予定)キャラクターコン…
15/05/11 01:49 YuK さん
ripes as design element using different colors of sharpie markers. Then I thought about drawing characters on the gift wrap.It's sad to say but this was perfect excuse for me to draw more often using …
15/05/07 12:27 kouotsu さん
finally posed and named this character! please enjoy it
finally posed and named this character! please enjoy it…
15/05/07 12:27 kouotsu さん
finally posed and named this character! please enjoy it
finally posed and named this character! please enjoy it…
15/05/06 23:45 kouotsu さん
https://www.picarto.tv/live/channel.php?watch=kouotsu posing...
https://www.picarto.tv/live/channel.php?watch=kouotsu posing this character and making some nice renders! come watch if you’re interested…
15/05/06 03:09 okifuji さん
Good Smile Company Character vocal series Hatsune miku Lat-shiki ver. 1/8…
15/05/06 03:09 オーシー さん
Good Smile Company Character vocal series Hatsune miku Lat-shiki ver. 1/8…