12/09/21 22:26 kouotsu さん
how much time do you spend hanging around playgrounds and elementary schools tho
yeah and let’s see your REAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE OBAMA…
12/09/21 06:35 黒兎 さん
Um…. doodled this months ago, just found it again cleaning...
in check (so people will take him seriously). He makes sure Velt goes undercover (but it’s his real casual look…) when he goes on his shopping sprees xD Velt and Sioul fights over the last copy o…
12/09/21 05:53 hako さん
hakomachi: @ideal_real うんー相談乗ってくれてありがとん!また銀行関連のことわからないことでてきたら聞くかもだわぁw
hakomachi: @ideal_real うんー相談乗ってくれてありがとん!また銀行関連のことわからないことでてきたら聞くかもだわぁw…
12/09/20 00:42 kouotsu さん
I typed the url who.will.unfollow.me as a joke and it turns out...
I typed the url who.will.unfollow.me as a joke and it turns out it’s a real site and look at this incredible banner…
12/09/16 23:41 yudough さん
mellidavis: faux-taku: sassynanners: sweetappletea: Foods...
ellidavis:faux-taku:sassynanners:sweetappletea:Foods that appeared in Ghibli movies, recreated in real life.I never tire of this postit’s like cosplay… for food. IT MAKES ME WANT TO EAT THEIR FOO…
12/09/12 16:50 kouotsu さん
ht, but I can tell you that what you see in the game is never full-sized. Shot in the dark but I’d say the in-game character art is shrunk down at least 75% from it’s real resolution at all times.…
12/09/06 21:00 へたぴ さん
[まとめのまとめ] 漫画/アニメ:【規制か】 小6女児監禁のロリコン成城大生は「プリキュア」が大好きだった(2012/09/06のニュースレ)
RAP「秘め事 -遠野沙雪-」サンプルレビュー (moeyo.com)<AA>(※成人向け)Real Art Project 秘め事 ~遠野沙雪~ (ポリストーン製塗装済み完成品) MakeBanner("voidm…
12/09/06 12:09 hako さん
hakomachi: @ideal_real 箪笥だけどもさw箪笥のあの圧迫感と存在感はそんな主張しないでくださいてなる^P^
hakomachi: @ideal_real 箪笥だけどもさw箪笥のあの圧迫感と存在感はそんな主張しないでくださいてなる^P^…
12/09/06 11:43 hako さん
hakomachi: @ideal_real 箪笥かぁ、いらんけどなー(´・ω・`)
hakomachi: @ideal_real 箪笥かぁ、いらんけどなー(´・ω・`)…
12/09/06 11:26 hako さん
hakomachi: @ideal_real 夏場は確かにホラーちっく。実際見たら座るってよりディスプレイ用ってかんじの扱いしそうだわ
hakomachi: @ideal_real 夏場は確かにホラーちっく。実際見たら座るってよりディスプレイ用ってかんじの扱いしそうだわ…
12/09/03 10:57 hako さん
hakomachi: @ideal_real え、家のことかな!審査結果待ち!
hakomachi: @ideal_real え、家のことかな!審査結果待ち!…
12/08/29 02:45 光河烈火 さん
の面白さじゃなくて、CEDEC の面白さなんだよ。気づけ。 twitter.com/#!/search/real…(hjm ucmrさんのツイート)10:18 RT from ついっぷる for iPhone  [ 310…
12/08/28 15:06 YuK さん
exibition of Tim Burton's new film Frankenweenie. They displayed film assets of characters and miniture furnitures they used in the film(assuming they're real).Here are more photos at the Expo!!…