18/05/12 12:30 黒翼猫 さん
GIGAZINE さんの PGPとS/MIME の脆弱性の記事の解釈がちょっと大袈裟な件
い仕様上の欠陥なのでは?原文を調べてみたNot So Pretty  What You Need to Know About E-Fail and the PGP Flaw   Electronic Frontier Foundationパッチを適用して…
18/05/07 19:45 海ねずみ さん
ります。只今梱包及び発送準備中です。よろしくお願いいたします!"Bug Bear" production has been completed. Now packing and shipping preparation in progress. Thank you! …
18/05/01 00:00 猫谷美甘 @tailtame_il さん
忘れ…Σ(゚д゚) 4月も!このリンクがですね…。https://pbw.blog.tailtame.com/now失礼しました。 05/03 OMCのどさイベ(5/3~5/4)限定商品にいくつか参加…
18/04/30 14:14 たかみまさひろ さん
advantages sufficient put. John on time down give meet help as of. Him waiting and correct believe now cottage she another. Vexed six shy yet along learn maids her tiled. Barton waited twenty always …
18/04/30 13:38 たかみまさひろ さん
unreserved. 1. Indulgence announcing uncommonlyMet she continuing two unpleasing terminated. Now busy say down the shed eyes roof paid her. Of shameless collected suspicion existence in. Share w…
18/04/30 13:27 たかみまさひろ さん
advantages sufficient put. John on time down give meet help as of. Him waiting and correct believe now cottage she another. Vexed six shy yet along learn maids her tiled. Barton waited twenty always …
18/04/29 14:01 たかみまさひろ さん
Architectural Sketching Tutorial
h way you wrong add shall one. As guest right of he scale these. Horses nearer oh elinor of denote.Now principles discovered off increasing how reasonably middletons men. Add seems out man met plate c…
18/04/25 12:59 Michinari.Nukazawa さん
. To protect our users from spam and other malicious activity, we can't complete this action right now. Please try again later."}]``````MN@daisy-bell:twitter_bot/$ python3 reply_bot.py receive mention…
18/04/25 12:59 Michinari.Nukazawa さん
. To protect our users from spam and other malicious activity, we can't complete this action right now. Please try again later."}]``````MN@daisy-bell:twitter_bot/$ python3 reply_bot.py receive mention…
18/04/25 05:01 明日武 さん
ー ̄)安倍と絡めるのはアウトだ https://t.co/CrkPRj3YQW04/24 06:00asm99rx78RT @famima_now: \新 #ファミポテ 発売/お待たせしました〓✨#ファミリーマート の人…
18/04/23 18:50 かやは さん
18/04/20 12:15 Robin96 さん
High Society Calypso《ハイ・ソサエティ・カリプソ(上流社会のカリプソ)》
Just dig that scenery floating byWe're now approaching Newport, Rhode IWe've been, for years, in VarietyBut Cholly Knickerbocker, now we're going to be空中からの眺めはほんと最高*1俺ら…
18/04/20 05:14 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
Return to Youth: The Story of a Nobody
dn't know as well as I wanted to and so I'll never have the chance to ask what was bothering him. And now I feel like asking...what is bothering me.I think truly in this adulthood I finally know what …
18/04/20 05:14 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
Return to Youth: The Story of a Nobody
dn't know as well as I wanted to and so I'll never have the chance to ask what was bothering him. And now I feel like asking...what is bothering me.I think truly in this adulthood I finally know what …
18/04/13 19:15 Hiropon さん
bob-belcher: incomparablyme: Simon: Did you know? Emily: I knew...
bob-belcher:incomparablyme:Simon: Did you know?Emily: I knew you had a secret. But when you were little you were so carefree. But these last few years more and more it’s almost like I can fe…
18/04/10 05:01 明日武 さん
本当の犯人を自ら調べると良い。People who still can not see the Holocaust's lies are now in Syria and…04/09 06:23asm99rx78RT @yaginuma_san: @YukoMikage 海外の方が戦争の話し…
18/03/25 10:00 OZA さん
◆「新しい音楽が生まれる瞬間(The Melody Is Born Again Now)」...「扉を閉ざした楽器店の壁に書かれた楽譜は人々の記憶より忘れさられた旋律。壁からこ…
18/03/18 02:38 Hiropon さん
f police violence - was assassinated in Rio last night.If you’re not scared for Brazilians right now you’re not paying enough attention. By the way, this is what the streets of Brazil looked like…
18/03/12 18:29 だこつ さん
rnoonpie: thenatsdorf: “1. I don’t have a cat. 2. I DON’T HAVE A...
npie:thenatsdorf:“1. I don’t have a cat. 2. I DON’T HAVE A CAT.” (via brenaclifton)you do now…