22/02/13 04:40 med_ley(ΘΘ) さん
ふさわしくないメンバーだ…>RT 02-12 12:51 RT @SerenityForge: Valentine's Day is right around the corner! To help celebrate, here are some Valentine's Day cards featuring you…
22/02/13 04:03 R^3 さん
kiginu RT @ProgressBar202_: 2022 is 11% complete. https://t.co/2nA24kjMas 02-12 23:35 まだ2月やぞ。 02-12 23:34 ただただ楽しいオブ・ザ・イヤーだと、モンハンライズと…
22/02/12 21:53 Olbaid さん
Fleeting life - Shallow Mandelbrot Set This is a Mandelbrot Set...
Fleeting life - Shallow Mandelbrot SetThis is a Mandelbrot Set zoom fractal video rendered with UltraFractal6. This work is based on the image of morning dew on grass and flowers.The contrast between …
22/02/12 03:50 chienu さん
02:08 #nowplaying You Are What You Is by Frank Zappa - The Frank Zappa AAAFNRAA Birthday Bundle Peaches En Regalia by Fr… twitter.com/…
22/02/11 04:03 R^3 さん
前で放置し始めて20分弱。君もよく待ってくれてるね。 02-10 21:24 RT @kayso_is_kawai: 違うんすよ、タマネギ君は本来普通の動物は食えないレベルの全身…
22/02/08 18:31 YuK さん
My this year's Moleskine Planner decoration! I mentioned earlier in my post about new hobby I started. So I wanted to continue this hobby on my Moleskine planner! Went for quirky 80s vibrant colors.W…
22/02/08 05:26 ChouIsamu さん
000万ドル程度とのこと(TECH+)。 提案元は「Initiative for Interstellar Studies (i4is)」 NASAとかESAとか、なんならJAXAで、前向きに検討してくんないかなぁ。 …
22/02/06 17:54 素人大学生 さん
if you are heavy terminal user, maybe this script is useful.
22/02/06 04:41 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
made this project achieved. #Jashinchan's tax scheme completely succeeded. She is truly a genius at making money.It's gonna be even hotter this summer!#邪神ちゃん https://t.co/isqYuIG2x…
22/02/05 22:03 salvia さん
There Is No Gameのクリア記事。新鮮味のあるゲームで楽しかったです。There Is No Gameをクリアしてました。Switch公式ページ初プレイ感想プレイ時間は5時…
22/02/05 21:18 Olbaid さん
Deep Mandelbrot Set - Maginification 3.84x10^1180 This is a...
Deep Mandelbrot Set - Maginification 3.84x10^1180 This is a fractal zoom video of Mandelbrot Set. TThis time it is the Mandelbrot set, which has a beautiful radiating pattern like the decorative feath…
22/01/30 23:17 Olbaid さん
Pendulum brot - Mandelbrot Landscape #Shorts This is a...
ndulum brot - Mandelbrot Landscape #Shorts This is a Mandelbrot Set fractal video rendered with Blender. I’ve been wanting to make a pendulum-based Satisfying video for a while, so I took on the cha…
22/01/30 22:14 salvia さん
て良かったです。ほっかむり?良いね。はい、では今回はこの辺で。There is no gameもクリアしたので次その感想ですかね。こちらも新鮮なゲームで面…
22/01/30 16:14 たむら純子 さん
  よろしくですー たむら純子 is live on 「寒中見舞い描くよー」 - pixiv Sketchチャット参加Okですsketch.pixiv.net 完成したらネットプリント…
22/01/22 21:28 YuK さん
Animal Crossing Punch Needle Brooches
place your canvas safely you can easily stab yourself. As for me, I sometime place the canvas between my legs so you know where this is going. So as a practice run, I've been making Animal Crossing…
22/01/22 21:25 Olbaid さん
True in jest - Mandelbrot Landscape #69 This is a Mandelbrot...
True in jest - Mandelbrot Landscape #69This is a Mandelbrot Set zoom fractal video rendered with Ultrafractal. This time it’s the Mandelbrot set that looks like delicate glasswork. The original imag…
22/01/22 04:01 日宮理李 さん
ほどでも無いって時とか。位置合わせもしやすいので重宝してましたワァIS 7巻より。 https://t.co/q1Q0SGxBmz 01-21 22:31 RT @karasu_s: おぁぱい!おぱぁい! h…
22/01/21 12:00 黒翼猫 さん
【ネタ】Windows 11って手抜きOSじゃないですか!その6 エラーが読めないOS
use a req                      uired file is missing or contains errors.多分、推測なんだけど、こんな感じになってるWindowsを…