13/08/30 18:30 黒翼猫 さん
容量無制限ストレージ Bitcasaを Win2000で使ってみたよ
本上陸 ・ω・さっそくインストール ・ω・!Bitcasa Infinite Drive | Your External Hard Drive in the Cloud | Infinitehttp://www.bitcasa.com/インストールには、 Bitcasa Setup 1.…
13/08/27 15:17 素人大学生 さん
Very insightful remark on the anti-gay bigotry US conservatives have
er deploy evolution function to themselves. While the what they call Inferior Genes study and work hard to get advantage, often those racists turn blind eyes to their enemies and never get out of thei…
13/08/26 05:01 明日武 さん
革命ウテナ画集」の情報は今後はこちらから → RT @utenahardcore: 「少女革命ウテナ画集 The hard core of UTENA」公式アカウントです。よろしくお願いします…
13/08/08 06:30 碓井央 さん
13/08/02 00:51 そにどりー さん
ろしくお願いします!------------------------------■近況ドラゴンズクラウンやってます!まだHARDに行けてません・・・神様の星屑 by そにどりー on pixiv …
13/07/30 16:54 kouotsu さん
depends on the style of hair but if it can’t be a solid shape then probably layers of alpha maps?...
13/07/25 06:50 kaibu222 さん
1 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2013/07/24(水) 18:58:37.75 ID:QShp1RKw0 恥ずかし...
13/06/25 23:52 素人大学生 さん
source stuff so actually it sucks. Also, the tool which is made by others is, in most case, really hard to use efficiently because of the fact that you cannot customize it.Henceforth I am on my way to…
13/06/23 20:37 kouotsu さん
whitepeoplemadatfoodnetwork: Arithmetic: it is hard.
whitepeoplemadatfoodnetwork:Arithmetic: it is hard.…
13/06/17 00:19 kouotsu さん
Yeah if I decide to take more 3d commissions I will definitely advertise it!Starting 3D is not as hard as it is intimidating. You just have to watch a bunch of tutorials and pull your hair out for a f…
13/06/10 23:53 kouotsu さん
People seem to be interested in low poly 3D commissions, so I am...
rs under 1,000 triangles. Pricing goes up for more detail/polygons/props. It is difficult to put a hard price on this type of thing so just email me ( [email protected] ) if you’re interested and…
13/06/10 23:53 kouotsu さん
EDIT: Wow I got so much interest so quickly! I’m closing...
rs under 1,000 triangles. Pricing goes up for more detail/polygons/props. It is difficult to put a hard price on this type of thing so just email me ( [email protected] ) if you’re interested and…
13/05/16 09:56 kouotsu さん
anthonyholden: What are studios looking for? How can I get into...
y habits and how you spend your personal time. It’s good to work hard and have goals—without them we would get nowhere. Study hard and make decisive strides towards achieving your art goals. But i…
13/05/12 14:36 伊吹 さん
り「全般」で。・DIVA F全曲クリアしました!といっても、全曲クリアはHARDまで。EXTREMEは、何曲かクリアできてないのがあります。やり込みは、ひと…
13/05/11 21:09 SSS Manga Circle さん
for permission.We aren't waiting any longer.We have been waiting too long.We have been fighting so hard.It's time to get this rocket off of the ground.theme music brought to you by Europe:https://www.…
13/05/10 21:39 necosmo さん
とか無事に新作2作品出すことができました!新作ROMは、「雪桜」、「HARD WORKER!!」共にD-stageさんにて委託通販が開始されています。http://d-stage.com/sh…