12/08/20 03:41 てすと荘 さん
testsou 絶版でも新品がいいから小規模書店巡りするとか。田舎の書店とか返本落ちなのか、たまに古い本...
12/08/20 03:41 てすと荘 さん
testsou 絶版でも新品がいいから小規模書店巡りするとか。田舎の書店とか返本落ちなのか、たまに古い本...
12/08/19 07:51 グレイシオン さん
...My third KyouSaya Doujin will going to be sold at SAC Anime Summer 2012 event in CA, USA from August 31st until September 2nd...precisely at this place: Sac Convention Center. It will be available …
12/08/19 07:51 グレイシオン さん
...My third KyouSaya Doujin will going to be sold at SAC Anime Summer 2012 event in CA, USA from August 31st until September 2nd...precisely at this place: Sac Convention Center alongside with my circ…
12/08/06 03:40 てすと荘 さん
testsou 今回のコミケは残念ながら遊びに行けないと思う。申込書は通販した。 08-05 13:36 今日から...
12/07/31 02:58 あきはら涼 さん
新しいお知らせです。サークルMMUSEさんの夏コミ新譜、「Wandering AUGUST」のジャケットイラストを描かせていただきました。新譜についての詳…
12/07/02 16:29 kouotsu さん
ally just the color edition with a different cover. The regular edition doesn’t come out until august, and we wanted to have something to show at comic con, so we created a special fun cool interest…
12/06/30 12:59 mandi さん
mandimandi: @paranda_update she said she is probably doing a live in August so maybe you can see her!…
12/05/25 04:56 kouotsu さん
sandvich: radiomaru: SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT i’ve seen...
THE TRUTH: this was drawn specifically for me by Aaron Ancheta, junior assistant on vol 6. Date: AUGUST 2009. This was a few months before he actually became my assistant. I drew some of his character…
12/04/19 00:00 螺時 さん
よう。もう4時だ…(´・ω・`) Posted at 03:54 AM TwBirthday of @nezimeizi is on 23 August 2010, godfather is @yaplog_staff, certificate at http://t.co/rFJgAglH @TwBirthdayさんから Pos…
10/09/01 03:59 Kxela さん
Belated, but thought I'd post. Went to Nakano Broadway earlier in August with a bunch of fellows :3Bunch of us met up at Nakano Station, earlier before Comiket.The long shopping arcadeThe sides have a…