21/01/15 05:01 明日武 さん
asm99rx78@Tk7jGbaXBHR9YVP でも、やりたい放題ではないですねぇ。やっぱり、そこはきちんとしていました。01/14 19:01asm99rx78@Tk7jGbaXBHR9YVP 超能力者や巨大な…
21/01/15 03:00 ChouIsamu さん
21/01/13 12:30 素人大学生 さん
Mary Trump describes family as 'malignantly dysfunctional' l GMA
21/01/03 04:09 西口みなぎ さん
突破】【ミナギ駅東口】「肛辱婦人脱糞公開集 ミセス・スカトロジー・アーカイブ」累計販売本数100本達成!#FANZA同人 https://t.co/HBjtDyz3AS 01-02 17:04 …
21/01/01 03:01 chienu さん
12:23 RT @thirdwindow: As per annual tradition, here’s our favourite 10 Japanese films of 2020 (w/2019 list also attached)…
20/12/22 12:30 黒翼猫 さん
【誤報】スラドが、 地球の自転が加速して史上初の1秒引く「負のうるう秒」を検討中というフェイクニュースを流してしまった件
で調べてみた所、フェイクニュースでしたEarth is whipping around quicker than it has in a half-century | SpaceTime and Dateによると、地球の自転の最近の加速があった…
20/12/13 13:30 素人大学生 さん
On Noam Chomsky's 'Who Rules the World?'
then often bias for the country you want to demonize, and for the foreigner like me it can be the help of deepening the prejudice to the target country. The best approach to grasp overseas is just ref…
20/12/10 10:58 ショーナンロケッティアズ広報部 さん
20/12/09 05:00 YuK さん
Did a fun project I did for my old friend.It was his 2nd year Wedding Anniversary so he wanted a gift of couple's Amigurumi of him and his wife wearing their attire at the wedding. Real photo is kept …
20/12/05 17:44 Nancou さん
nancou-0624:“Bioloids are basically the same as humans in their...
nancou-0624:“Bioloids are basically the same as humans in their body construction.”“Try it? Master.”…
20/11/29 23:57 ノワール さん
に二次創作を許容させようとする風潮は「ある」よなposted at 22:53:02RT @badassceo: 他人の発言で傷付きやすい人はこの5つ意識してみて ①誹謗中傷する…
20/11/27 01:38 素人大学生 さん
For the inappropriate police force against racial minorities
eform the police institution to stop this tragedy again. The last one is for survival strategy for the racial/ethnic minorities, who is easy to be exposed to the hosting country's prejudice and demoni…
20/11/23 12:30 黒翼猫 さん
PDD.SYSにAPIが含まれていることが分かりました。例えば、Windows XPのソースbase\ntsetup\textmode\kernel\spptwrt.c    do {      &nbsp…
20/11/23 05:01 明日武 さん
asm99rx78@fm_rml21 良い会社だの、就職というより就社だったり、人の仕事の選択よりも効率化や収益性の高い会社が良いとされる様な方向性がどんどん…
20/11/20 19:57 Olbaid さん
Mandelbrot Landscape #5-2 Mandelflake This is a...
2 Mandelflake This is a #Mandelbrot Set zoom #fractal video rendered with #Blender. This video is based on the following fractal art still image. https://www.deviantart.com/olbaid-st/art/Mandelbrot-1…
20/11/19 08:46 素人大学生 さん
move to and fro between git branches via terminal
nix (-like) OS is you can exploit its bash commands and automate tedious and complicated operations.The vim /emacs user customize their editor and extend it so as to make those operations pretty quick…
20/11/16 14:26 ショーナンロケッティアズ広報部 さん
画を近日中UPするぜ!!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3LirYPHqwmkN55sSxyUsDQ?view_as=subscriber祝コーンレッドショーナンチャンネル 登録者170人突破!!…
20/11/07 12:05 Nancou さん
“Bioloids are basically the same as humans in their body...
“Bioloids are basically the same as humans in their body construction.”“Try it? Master.”…
20/11/07 11:55 素人大学生 さん
Red Black Tree algorithm: delete
orithm's deletion procedure.This is, shown asRB-DELETE(T, z)of which T stands for the tree and the z for the node to delete.First, we set the pointer to z, as y:y = zthen to later fix the broken red b…
20/11/07 03:01 chienu さん
11:50 RT @tohocinemas_m: \ #TOHOシネマズへ行こう /フォロー&RTキャンペーン!!抽選で20…