21/03/04 10:00 ろてり さん
3002; // ・Synergistic Research:Resolution Reference MK2 MASTER COUPLER HYDRAとPULSANTを繋ぐケーブル、…
21/03/02 02:48 YuK さん
Hi hi everybody! I recently updated my shop at Society6: https://society6.com/yukikotsuIt has my prints, and other products printed like pouch, tote bags, notebooks and stuff!Haven't got a cha…
21/02/23 12:30 黒翼猫 さん
3+3x3-3+3 の 本当の答えが分かる天才は 5%しかいないというデマ
すが、チェーンメール内では答えは 6です。英語圏では計算順序を 「PEMDAS」と習います。P:Parenthesesfirst(最初に括弧内を解く)E:Exponents(次に、指数…
21/02/19 05:01 明日武 さん
asm99rx78@wingletter こんばんは。おはありです。今日は一日予定があって、忙しかったです。02/19 01:46asm99rx78@studioZ5chiharu (^^)/♫02/19 01:46asm99rx78@009taichimam…
21/02/19 04:11 雨泉洋悠 さん
-18 23:11 I've been working on YOASOBI, YORUSHIKA, and Midnight All Night. For some reason, people who say they hear the same thing when they listen to YOASOBI, YORUSHKA, or Forever Midnight Goo…
21/02/10 04:00 日宮理李 さん
.co/tB6Ct9tNKg 02-09 19:47 #2月になったのでいいねした人に一言 https://t.co/D05se6AS2p 02-09 19:44 【池袋暴走事故】飯塚幸三、遺族と徹底抗戦へ「慰謝料は絶…
21/02/09 01:39 sesamecake さん
気をつけて。As I received a request for an update, I made a bit changes to P2VJ.http://sesamecake.sakura.ne.jp/p2vj/I added an option to generate the color format in SVG file as "#FFFFFF". Press…
21/02/05 23:33 Olbaid さん
Deep Mandelbrot Set #111 Magnification 3.51e966 This is a...
6px) of the last location is available on deviantArt.https://www.deviantart.com/olbaid-st/art/Deep-Mandelbrot-Set-111-Magnification-5-588e-966-835106648This time, the work is based on a spiral pattern…
21/02/03 17:24 サトウミヤ さん
Nursing student Maci Kroupa ‘called to help people’
aregivers who administer medication and take vital signs. They support a patient as they transform from a state of illness into well-being."…
21/02/02 23:01 ChouIsamu さん
にソフトウェアに秀でることができない?」(Why doesn’t Japan excel in software as they did in hardware?) というQuora記事の翻訳が話題になっていたので共有した…
21/01/23 10:26 ChouIsamu さん
ライセンスではない 2012年03月14日 「フリー」論争再燃? OpenBSD は free as in air 2007年06月19日 日本発のオープンソースソフト42件の基準と内訳、…
21/01/22 21:36 Olbaid さん
Mandelbrot Landscape #49 Stained glass-brot This is a...
Mandelbrot Landscape #49 Stained glass-brot This is a #Mandelbrot Set zoom #fractal video rendered with #Blender.I made a stained glass style Mandelbrot set in Blender. The first part of the video is …
21/01/22 14:56 素人大学生 さん
entire book but would like to write my reaction at this point.It is interesting yet cannot fully grasp this way of recognizing stress is really correct or not. In my understandings the `stress`, itsel…
21/01/21 14:47 素人大学生 さん
ure Reason).To describe my personal experience with regard to these terms, I tend to rely on a priori,  which could diminish the original meaning of the term but if it is paraphrased as 'the…
21/01/19 11:02 素人大学生 さん
developed a software in which tons of data fields are going to be added.  Usually, compiler does catch your fatal logical error (such as calling the method not defined in specific class object).…
21/01/19 05:01 明日武 さん
asm99rx78RT @jgdjgdjgd: 鼻だしマスクのニュースで思い出したバンジョーは高校受験では酷い花粉症で会場で鼻かんでばかりでもはや何の問題を解いてい…
21/01/18 12:30 黒翼猫 さん
新型コロナウイルス ワクチン接種後に1170人死亡のニュース、「お酒を飲んだ人が1か月で○○人死亡」と同じレベルなのが発覚
is high and substantial numbers of deaths inthis population will occur following vaccination as temporallyassociated coincidental eventsワクチン接種後の死者の6割を占めるのは LTCF(長…