22/07/01 16:22 素人大学生 さん
Why are manga artists so concerned about the sexual expression of "non-existent youths"?
r "system of morals," i.e., "ideology.WAS JEFFREY EPSTAIN ADDICTED TO HENTAI CARTOONS?WAS R. KELLY BIG FAN OF HENTAI CARTOONS REGARING MINORS?NADA.Rather, there are no universally shared "values" for …
22/06/22 03:07 dcstudio さん
Palmistry of people who win the lottery? Do you have it? A palmistry with great money luck
220;luckiest line” and a sign of great luck. If you see this line, your chances of winning a big prize in the lottery increase dramatically! Even if you don’t usually buy lottery tickets, …
22/06/17 03:34 dcstudio さん
no or extremely short money lines are the type who are not very attached to money and are chasing big dreams. This is a common phase among band members, theater troupes, and young comedians. If you a…
22/06/14 09:18 dcstudio さん
“Masukake Line” Japanese Palmistry. Great luck if you have it!
ae lines become successful as early as their 30s or later.When they are young, they are the “big achievers” who, through perseverance and hard work, blossom and become very successful all …
22/06/08 03:00 ChouIsamu さん
Apple、新 M2 チップと M2 チップを搭載する新 MacBook Air などを発表
ニア、M1 MacのRAMとSSDのアップグレードに成功 2021年04月09日 Apple、macOS Big Surアップグレード時にディスク空き容量チェックが機能しない問題を静…
22/05/23 04:01 ChouIsamu さん
る「povo2.0」の対応端末に、楽天モバイルのオリジナル端末である「Rakuten BIG s」と「Rakuten Hand 5G」を追加したとのこと(KDDI、ITmedia、読売新聞)。 こ…
22/05/05 00:36 かみさか さん
r. Since I heard no optional request, I drew her in my image of a demon. She looks very good with shining blue eyes and big horns!https://ko-fi.com/i/IR5R3CHIT7Client★Hani(Twitter:@hirihirihani)…
22/05/05 00:36 かみさか さん
r. Since I heard no optional request, I drew her in my image of a demon. She looks very good with shining blue eyes and big horns!https://ko-fi.com/i/IR5R3CHIT7Client★Hani(Twitter:@hirihirihani)…
22/04/29 04:41 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
fS9XUO #イラスト #投稿 04-28 06:13 RT @AkariSayaka01: Hi! Last time I often struggle to find some anime to watch, I have found a big amount of them, though. The problem is I… 04-28 04:34 …
22/04/24 07:15 みかつう さん
ドの質はなかなか。まあ価格はメモラの比率やね。パック1でオレンジパラとインサートあり。The post 2022 MLB Topps Big League first appeared on みかつうONLINE.…
22/03/07 04:41 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
oday here is some war caricature. In our city and country at all people often do some obstacles on big empty… 03-06 03:53 東京のオーケストラがウクライナ国歌「ウクライナは…
22/03/04 19:28 ナガリン さん
22/02/27 14:18 dcstudio さん
How To Improve Your Long Distance Relationship Problems
mily, life, and the career you build for years to be with your partner or vice versa? It’ll be a big decision that you have to think about not just twice, but a million times.When I started dating h…
22/02/23 00:47 素人大学生 さん
Kei, an ordinary Japanese. Let me tell you one thing:Russia, former Soviet Union, used to be in a big tension around 1960's, that is Cuba Crisis.At that time everyone in the global community feared t…
22/02/19 07:00 dcstudio さん
10 Hilarious Comic Ideas About Philippine Culture
ng. I shouldn’t have believed that. (LOL) The balut is an incubated duck egg and, when I saw the big duckling inside, I felt pity for it. (I’m eating a baby duck! Tasukete  Haha)&nb…
22/02/18 12:30 黒翼猫 さん
「フクースナ イ トーチカ 」を「おいしいそれだけだ」と訳す事に違和感があったので調べてみた
んだ人に想像させる方がをかし(趣がある)だと思う ・ω・'Bring Back the Big Mac' Sign Mars McDonald's Replacement Opening in Russia海外のニュースも、なんか直訳…
22/02/15 08:17 dcstudio さん
Fun Fact About The Philippines: Traffic |Comic
in the Philippines is a little too much. Even bag snatchers can’t move forward. (Hahaha)The big cities in the country may be dangerous to some of us. You may encounter bad guys who will snatch …
22/02/05 16:39 c さん
鴻君は放課後インソムニア (8) (BIG SPIRITS COMICS)読了日:01月17日 著者:オジロ マコト君は放課後インソムニア (7) (BIG SPIRITS COMICS)読了日:01月17日 著者…
22/01/21 06:12 ChouIsamu さん
フトウェアの面では macOS Catalina を最後にサポートが終了しており、macOS Big Sur には対応しない。 すべて読む | アップルセクション | ハードウェア…
22/01/14 04:17 ユカリンコフ@Yukaly さん
ンサンリオかわいい!!!! 01-13 19:56 RT @sanrio_news: パックマン×サンリオキャラクターズのラバーマスコットがカプセルトイに登場!約5.5cmのBIGサ…