22/08/10 07:36 toliy さん
How to Win in Slot Machine – Winning a Big Slot Machine Payout
e payout that will make you increase your profits.Knowing how to win in slots is surely fun. What makes playing the game more fun is the feeling and the anticipation of every player to hit the jackpot…
22/08/01 10:24 toliy さん
Paid to Travel? Can You Really Get Paid to Travel (or for Free?)
tendant: This is actually a great way to visit a LOT of places-FAST. The average flight attendant makes $37,000.00 a year, with the higher level salaries hovering in the $75,000.00-$90,000.00 range. I…
22/07/20 10:29 toliy さん
Three New Advances In Spanish Language Software Make Learning Effortless
progress for you takes one other element of tedium out of the learning process and makes it more enjoyable. This makes it more likely that you will be consistent in your language studies, and therefor…
22/07/17 05:28 toliy さん
Technology And Its Effects on the Over 55’s in Restaurants
sonal wealth by age where the average liquid wealth was at its highest between age 55 to 64 so it makes a great deal of sense where technology could be introduced as a customer interface that the tech…
22/06/15 10:40 dcstudio さん
lationship specialists who are liked by everyone. However, there is a surprising side to you that makes you nervous in front of the person you like and prevents you from showing your best side. Listen…
22/06/15 01:46 dcstudio さん
221;However, if you have the sovereign Line on your left hand, you are born with strong luck that makes it easy to succeed in anything you do.Since you are predisposed to be a successful person, you a…
22/04/10 12:00 黒翼猫 さん
The case in Australia is similarly biased, but it can be inferred that the low population density makes populations at high risk of infection more susceptible to infection, which is more pronounced th…
22/02/23 00:47 素人大学生 さん
sed against Iran, which is cynical. It completely makes sense you are not okay with Ukraine trying to be part of NATO, but please also make sure that the diplomacy and patient negotiation is…
21/12/18 00:57 素人大学生 さん
People say 'Mortal Kombat' is violent and harmful game misses significant point
rol and financial equality to prevent poverty is the top priority thing to work on. For games, it makes sense that it is mandatory for those games to be categorized appropriately and make it inaccessi…
21/11/30 18:48 ヴァイスカイザー さん
read.The auto-battle feature was surprisingly good; I started using it in the second week and it makes replaying a lot easier. (But if you actually look at it, for some reason your unit isn't attacki…
21/11/15 13:59 素人大学生 さん
sanction seems working partially but still she got pipeline with some peripheral countries, which makes the issue complicated... we need coup de grace to alter its political darkness but maybe some ne…
21/10/27 14:02 かみさか さん
ン画が鉛筆風になります。色トレス付き。I made material of Clip Studio Paint. It makes lines pencil-like style. The action for colouring line is also included.English tutorial: https…
21/10/05 19:50 かみさか さん
ン画が鉛筆風になります。色トレス付き。I made material of Clip Studio Paint. It makes lines pencil-like style. The action for colouring line is also included.English tutorial: https…
21/09/25 20:24 かみさか さん
を作りました。ペン画が鉛筆風になります。色トレス付き。I made material of Clip Studio Paint. It makes lines pencil-like style. The action for colouring line is also included.…
21/01/19 11:02 素人大学生 さん
------------------------------------Conclusion:Coding in IDE is fancy, but it at the same time it makes people bit difficult to summon variouslanguages and make tiny scripts to make your life easier. …
20/12/28 04:11 肉弾丸 さん
12-27 23:15 RT @yusai00: 「猫がモアイをエルビス・プレスリーにした」The cat makes this statue look like Elvis.https://t.co/2isNRUnHqjもみあげが完璧w https://t.co/v0XlMbFYG…
20/12/17 05:01 明日武 さん
ハヨーゴザイマス 〓(•ө•)~ https://t.co/Sbf9Lwk1jE12/16 21:29asm99rx78RT @R_makes_rb: 中2国語の授業にて。私「ハイカラって言葉の意味は知っていますか…
20/12/04 20:47 Olbaid さん
Mandelbrot landscape #45 Serendipitous Encounter This...
ry, you can build up the pattern with some anticipation. It’s also luck to find a coloring that makes the Mandelbrot set look beautiful. But it’s quite a matter of luck whether the pattern you see…
20/11/27 01:38 素人大学生 さん
For the inappropriate police force against racial minorities
ature nations) must educate its crews to treat people fairly, even though that citizen's attitude makes you mad, you need to be calm and do what is appropriate. If you cannot control this, then you do…
20/11/19 08:46 素人大学生 さん
move to and fro between git branches via terminal
od +x /usr/local/bin/gwpecho 'gw -n' >> /usr/local/bin/gwn; chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gwnThis makes you easily swap between your branches in the repository, once it reached the last brach since it…