20/10/22 22:05 素人大学生 さん
ly tortured and has been dead by the local police.The patriotism is mandatory in order to protect it's people, but also this is useful for military to harm the people outside, as history proves in the…
20/10/19 09:01 素人大学生 さん
If you need to create sequence of data with incremental digital indices
;Of course, maybe some of these functionality already prepared in the plug-in market, but I think it's really tedious and inefficient you rely on the market each time and also your entire plugin data …
20/09/22 05:01 明日武 さん
はごゆっくりお過ごしください。09/21 20:08asm99rx78RT @Megumi_Ogata: Good Morning!It's cloudy@somewhere.本日までぷち休み&ぷち旅!#ポリまる と一緒にたのしみち…
20/09/07 05:31 ChouIsamu さん
Rocket Lab、8月31日のミッションで自社製人工衛星も軌道投入していた
headless 曰く、Rocket Labは8月31日に実施した「I Can't Believe It's Not Optical」ミッションで、自社製の人工衛星「Photon」も軌道投入していたそうだ(Rocket Labの…
20/09/02 08:02 ChouIsamu さん
Rocket Lab、打上げ失敗から2か月以内でElectronロケットの打ち上げに成功
la Spaceの100kg級小型衛星SequoiaをElectronロケットで打ち上げる「I Can't Believe It's Not Optical」ミッションを実施した(Rocket Labのニュース記事、 SlashGearの記…
20/08/27 04:03 ChouIsamu さん
KFC、2020年には最も不適切なスローガンだとして「It's Finger Lickin' Good」の使用を全世界で当面中止
ーフライドチキン)は24日、同社が64年ほど使い続けているスローガン「It's Finger Lickin' Good」の使用を当面中止すると発表した(プレスリリース、 Slash…
20/08/26 13:00 黒翼猫 さん
Windows XP と 2003 のソースコードが流出…あまり、Windowss 2000の改造に役立たない理由とは
公開されていません。Including 'windows_xp_source.rar' in this collection, even though it's passwordprotected. Maybe someone can crack (or guess) the password and see what'sinside. The archiv…
20/08/21 07:36 素人大学生 さん
Disposable email address can exploit your website.
ting website demands to solve a lot of security concerns. If the website does not implement HTTPS it's almost garbage, or more, harms the client's security.Recently I looked for some email provider su…
20/08/04 05:01 明日武 さん
:11asm99rx78RT @Gear_Project: @yoshi115t Also, I know the value in the "Honor of Gundams" because it's heavily tied to Japans Industrial Manufacturing…08/03 19:10asm99rx78@yoshi115t 午前中もリ…
20/07/23 01:22 YuK さん
How's everyone's social distancing? It's nice to able to go out.Stayed at Silent Lake Provincial Park for 2 nights last weekend. Chilled to fish, hike, eat and sleep in nature. Weather was great for e…
20/07/02 05:01 明日武 さん
rx78RT @worldofcrap: It be a @discotekmedia day! Look at all the fancy things coming out on 9/29! It's like we've been busy over here or someth…07/01 15:56asm99rx78RT @En_daichi: 顔も知らず、T…
20/05/05 05:01 明日武 さん
ます。おやすみなさい⭐テレビアニメ「新機動戦記ガンダムW」から。『It's Just Love』作詞 - 松本花奈 / 作曲 - 小泉誠司 / 編曲 - 多田光裕 / 唄 - 大石…
20/04/20 20:11 YuK さん
allenge #4.It's been 20 years last time I drew FF fanart. I also can't believe FF7 has been 23 years now...I was actually looking at video footage of Shiva's changes as year goes by and it's so awesom…
20/04/08 04:53 素人大学生 さん
For vimmer, wiki is fucking easy, we don't need vimwiki
erly such as sed, awk, grep, find, tr, etc...) and actually most of the 'contemporal' utility and it's dirty trick is not that important to achieve goals. Simpler the better, and people who don't gras…
20/02/10 21:49 nagisan さん
備忘録0210 it's sunny, but so cold
20/01/26 22:23 YuK さん
ith plastic thread(metallic thread) so it causes to get stuck through the hole more often because it's not as flexible as normal embroidery threads.MATERIAL:- Moleskine Planner- Transferable paper wit…
20/01/05 22:02 YuK さん
It's crazy to say, it's been 20 YEARS since I had my website running!!Everything started when I tried my first attempt to make homepage on Geocities. Web design has been one of my hobby so I have kept…
19/12/25 12:27 ひらのまさのり さん
12/30 Comiket97「BlackDwarf (I-11a)」
mさまにて予約販売中です。 The newest comic is "Hornpot and Clawdia the Rich Breast" , it's available to order on web shops of AliceBook, MelonBooks and interstateninja.com.AliceBooks(It's …
19/11/04 10:17 ChouIsamu さん
る (が、確認されていない)「It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so」を引用し、常に真であるとは限らないも…