15/12/03 19:32 ほんわかやきとり さん
15/09/20 05:01 明日武 さん
9おもしれ(^^)‼︎ https://t.co/dMXR1SlQH909/19 09:07asumu99RT @facklernyt: Harsh political cartoon in INYT criticizing PM Abe's new security laws as pandering to U.S. (This RT not endorsement) h…
15/09/16 23:09 炭酸錐 さん
ーブ金髪 おてんば princess 武器娘 サイボーグ エージェント 改造人間 アメコミ風 ハードボイルド アウトロー アンチヒーロー Superhero Cartoon その他 …
15/04/11 10:07 素人大学生 さん
Planning is the most important human activity
-related thingto make it more clear and break down into actual operations,(a)  I have to be cartoon artist  (a-1) have two options: comedy or serious          - who …
15/02/18 12:25 だこつ さん
gasoline-station: Sacral Contemplation Ian Davis, Socks...
an infrastructure or a building . It’s the dramatic depiction of a world where man-made artifacts overcome the society of people who produced them, painted in an ironic, almost cartoon-like style. …
14/10/01 00:30 むしとりねこ/MuShiToRiNeKo さん
p year,sheeps,New Year's card material,Japanese style,character,illustration,design,cut,clip art,cartoon,colorful,illustration collection,cute,fancy,pop,flat illustrations,sheep illustration,Japanese …
14/06/21 10:58 うにょぴし さん
[映像][感想] ヒックとドラゴン~バーク島の冒険~ 14・15・16 [ネタバレあり]
カートゥーンネットワークhttp://www.cartoon.co.jp/cn_programs/microsite/00555#14 雷神トールの怒り大がかりな止まり木を置くのに島民総出での大工事。屋根を…
14/06/08 13:59 素人大学生 さん
politics make no tips claim damage jekin manage ugly face that number west no attestalmost cartoon face monkey no chin betta be a pimp rather than office worka voila burn reyallu and that i…
14/06/08 13:26 うにょぴし さん
[映像][感想] ヒックとドラゴン~バーク島の冒険~ 12・13 [ネタバレあり]
カートゥーンネットワークhttp://www.cartoon.co.jp/cn_programs/microsite/00555メモに書いたまま残ってたので。#12 最強バイキング決定戦!トゥースはやっぱり…
14/05/02 09:33 うにょぴし さん
14/04/01 00:00 むしとりねこ/MuShiToRiNeKo さん
s,christmas tree,christmas holiday,gift,gift box,greeting card,character,illustration,design,art,cartoon,colorful,cute,fancy,relax,fun,celebration,clip art)▼販売場所(全て同じデータで…
14/02/16 16:03 kouotsu さん
happydorid: Ax girl 3d model finished! Need to figure out how...
happydorid:Ax girl 3d model finished! Need to figure out how to rig cartoon eyes next. "eye" can give you some "in sight"….maybe…if u want…
14/01/29 05:07 steelcorgi さん
mpleted 「Спутник」.It is 4P cartoon,show it.Gee, I'm tired very much!! But,I had a vry nice time:)and, I showed 「METAMORNIG」. It is color 4P cartoon. Please show it.The school was over…
14/01/16 10:11 steelcorgi さん
picture this year:)I try to remember that last year...I wonder drew a cartoon lot.My short cartoon "flower"and color short cartoon " METAMOLNING" got a third place in the school year. and student's Q…
13/12/28 00:45 どんぐりす さん
13/12/14 16:05 素人大学生 さん
y digesting this genre. We need to tackle on this issue cause for instance Santa Inoue, Japanese Cartoon Artist would be able to be called as pioneer in this field still has not reached bunch of endpo…
13/12/08 19:59 kouotsu さん
bustercannon: jamborii: bustercannon: jamborii: this-disgusti...
WAS?Not to mention how INCREDIBLE her voice sounds in this sceneBut no, is all ruined because a cartoon had her hair phase through her armseriously.um hi as a professional 3d animator this is actuall…