22/07/27 04:41 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
Emperor Emeritus diagnosed with heart failure https://t.co/U6hjP38kXm 07-26 21:18 RT @KunisueNorito: ボリス、ウクライナ軍との訓練に参加。手榴弾?を投げる。 07-26 20:35 …
22/07/26 23:58 素人大学生 さん
22/07/26 23:12 ChouIsamu さん
式手荷物タグの年内導入を発表した(ニュースリリース、GeekWire の記事、9to5Mac の記事、動画)。アラスカ航空の電子式手荷物タグはオランダ・BAGTAG と…
22/07/26 19:30 かみさか さん
Vtuber Shy.She is a jackalope and her personality is what her name is. I asked to take clouds into the piece, so I took many! Thank you for the commission!https://skeb.jp/@rikka_kamisaka/works/5★Cl…
22/07/26 03:50 chienu さん
19:28 @Todrawapic @chieyuki45 はゎゎカッコいいですね?二人とも〜?素敵ですぅ〜?? …
22/07/25 08:12 dcstudio さん
her husband to the bed and then poured acid on his face, allegedly neglecting her for many years.how was it?This time, I arranged the incident caused by Psychopath a little and made it into a manga.If…
22/07/23 20:54 Olbaid さん
Caustics brot - Mandelbrot Landscape No.78 Mandelbrot Landscape...
with Blender. Recently, caustics were implemented in Blender, so I had a quick play with it. I generated caustics by applying minute unevenness to a transparent object like glass. I hope you enjoy it.…
22/07/23 10:11 toliy さん
ดูหนังออนไลน์ and the Different Movie Genres Available
ople today. Movies provide hours of entertainment, and are the perfect solution if you wish to unwind and take a break without having to go farther than your local mall. While nothing compares to seei…
22/07/23 04:41 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
usai RT @AkariSayaka01: Hi there! I decided not to draw on war thematic because it's some heavy aspect, but after all now it's a part of our tod… 07-22 17:48 RT @IiyamaAkari: グレン…
22/07/22 22:06 ChouIsamu さん
YouTube、Content ID の申し立てに対する反論のプロセスを大幅に迅速化
プロセスを大幅に迅速化する変更を発表している(YouTube ヘルプの記事、9to5Google の記事)。これまで、Content ID の申し立てを受けたクリエイターが反論…
22/07/22 09:00 dcstudio さん
StripsVisitors to the Philippines may be familiar with the term “Philippine time.It is called “Filipino time,” a term that describes the looseness of time that is unique to the Phili…
22/07/22 08:03 ChouIsamu さん
う意見書をアウグスト・アラス検察長官が連邦最高裁に提出したそうだ(9to5Mac の記事、Tilt の記事、Juristas の記事、Diário do Poder の記事)。ブラジル…
22/07/22 04:45 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
攻撃を受け、みんな大急… 07-21 17:55 RT @AkariSayaka01: Hi there! Happy to announce I found how to illustrate my last month in 4 frames) I'm just drawing and mom always trying… 0…
22/07/20 10:29 toliy さん
Three New Advances In Spanish Language Software Make Learning Effortless
strange to refer to the buy adobe acrobat pro 2022 of days long gone as old fashioned, modern innovations in software technology mean that Spanish language software isn’t what it used to be. The…
22/07/19 23:06 ChouIsamu さん
Google Play、データセーフティ表示義務付けを前にアプリの権限表示を削除
が削除された(9to5Google の記事、Ars Technica の記事、Blue Space のブログ記事)。データセーフティ表示は Apple が 2020 年末に導入した App Store のプライバシ…
22/07/19 13:31 dcstudio さん
nibal Incident in Paris.The Paris Cannibal Incident was a bizarre murder that took place in France in 1981. The perpetrator, Kazumasa Sagawa, a Japanese student, shot and killed his friend, a Dutch wo…
22/07/19 05:01 明日武 さん
ラマンキック完成映像!メイキングも付き〓#シンウルトラマン #コマ撮り#StopMotion https://t.co/VxrzZX2tmW07/18 23:48asm99rx78RT @QPkFoe1H4as2xkC: 第1話「ウルトラ作…
22/07/19 04:41 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
reaction #シャドーハウス 07-18 12:43 RT @EPPGroup: SG @jensstoltenberg to MEPs: "The price we pay as the EU, as #NATO, is the price we can measure in currency, in money. The… 07-18 0…
22/07/17 07:50 toliy さん
A Course in Miracles – Foundation For Inner Peace
This innocuous book came to my attention in 2005 and it has passed through my hands several times since. I had no inclination to peruse its contents for I had ceased to believe in miracles. In 2005, I…
22/07/17 06:38 toliy さん
How Online Bookstores Gain Advantage Over Traditional Ones
se in miracles bookstore? You might visit another bookstore, or a third one or at the most the fourth one. It could be frustrating to find the book unavailable at each of these stores. Purchasing book…