21/05/24 12:00 黒翼猫 さん
Hyper-V に Windows 2000 をインストールしてみた その3
rams for Windows 2000When using Windows 2000 with service pack 4, in which the integrated service hasbeen setup, and applying the following patch programs to the guest OS, 0xCE isdisplayed and the gue…
21/05/24 12:00 黒翼猫 さん
Hyper-V 縺ォ Windows 2000 繧偵う繝ウ繧ケ繝医�シ繝ォ縺励※縺ソ縺� 縺昴�ョ3
rams for Windows 2000When using Windows 2000 with service pack 4, in which the integrated service hasbeen setup, and applying the following patch programs to the guest OS, 0xCE isdisplayed and the gue…
21/05/24 08:09 素人大学生 さん
The true reason why I started drawing cartoon 'Communist Daily'
erstand me for my ideology / something for my `Communist Daily`, in which Natasha Pomyuskyv, Liu, Hiromi, etc... appears as characters.My point is simple:(1) It is 21st century, and we all need to res…
21/05/22 14:29 素人大学生 さん
Why people become racist? Here is why.
The chief reason why people become racist is because people have sin. Sin means human is not perfect, and they innately are really arrogant. They usually do not care about the people who don't look li…
21/05/21 10:58 素人大学生 さん
[LB不要] GCPのwebサイトで、httpからhttpsにリダイレクトする方法
ue is not decisive as it is used as a last resort host regardless. # However, you must set it for any further virtual host explicitly. #ServerName www.example.com ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost Docu…
21/05/20 05:01 明日武 さん
asm99rx78RT @Krjg14W: 阪妻さんとこの息子さんは3兄弟ではなく4兄弟です〓〓〓〓 https://t.co/m6qhI94IWh05/19 23:56asm99rx78RT @ohnuki_tsuyoshi: ゲンとユイが結婚…
21/05/16 20:41 素人大学生 さん
b humans,sad reality why people hate each other, God created us equal as brothers tribute 360antagonism fueled women and kids harassed with racial slur, slang, voweldon't understand you say go back to…
21/05/16 05:21 素人大学生 さん
360 prod by ChivaBeatz | keitaromo
b humans,sad reality why people hate each other, God created us equal as brothers tribute 360antagonism fueled women and kids harassed with racial slur, slang, voweldon't understand you say go back to…
21/04/30 20:18 Olbaid さん
Deep Mandelbrot #116 Magnification 5.39x10^886 This is a...
weeks to produce this video, as the final location has over 12 million iterations. I really like this piece, with the beautiful spirals seen in 1:19 due to the stained glass referenced gradient.I hope…
21/04/25 04:15 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
Krsg_Koryusai So, this my drawing of these two from #ShadowsHouse, as a fanart, also as a thumbnail of my recent video, https://t.co/w6VZYQJW2U still pretty rough though. I'll gradually add some …
21/04/24 10:35 素人大学生 さん
Disadvantage for the Japanese user when using the smartphone.
uge disadvantage for Japanese speakers to use smartphone as the main source of input.It is because we have no other options but to opt flick based UI, which rubbs the surface of your phone incessantly…
21/04/22 23:48 ノワール さん
ロジェクト完全新作コミック🐎 “オグリキャップの物語” bit.ly/3uuF5aS (1/13) pic.twitter.com/ARvGwxhDDgposted at 23:29:19RT @KUZUMI777: あの名馬が人間の姿…
21/04/09 02:51 晶山嵐子 さん
__mk_ja_JP=%E3%82%AB%E3%82%BF%E3%82%AB%E3%83%8A&linkCode=shr&tag=create3dwp-22&language=ja_JP&ref_=as_li_ss_shr&camp=1207&creative=8415&linkId=0f96eaf9b088093ff1329b8c98ee7568 買ったばかりの私…
21/03/29 08:03 ChouIsamu さん
21/03/29 01:43 sesamecake さん
amecake.sakura.ne.jp/p2vj/    As it is said that "8 GB of RAM is a human right", I changed the old code to use more RAM and run faster than the old versions.   &nbsp…
21/03/28 19:25 姫川たけお さん
もお世話になりました。NN: はなみ。【アブソル】きょううんいじっぱりAS余D@するどいツメはたきおとす/ふいうち/ちょうはつ/こらえる→バー…
21/03/27 22:30 ノワール さん
@hosimaki: 最近思うこと 流行りに流されるな 流行りに乗れposted at 22:22:14@tukasawa02 パワー特化スタイル、ゴツくて最高ですね。 キンタロスに憑依され…
21/03/13 18:24 柚月 真桜 さん
Notepad - Apps on Google Play Easy and simple design notepad.Any time you can easily note.【Feature】・Simple and cute notepadBecause the simple design, easy to use Notepad.・Customize themeY…
21/03/10 18:42 素人大学生 さん
Is the law sexual consent minimum age 13 inappropriate?
real world that of the Wolverine. Black people die on the movie, Bad asians males are beaten by western heroes and save helpless asian chick.Stop demonizing the country you don't know culture that muc…