14/04/07 23:02 銀枠 さん
前回告知したWHIE WINGの改正版そろそろ上げます。
14/03/30 17:29 桃内 さん
lard Custom: BalmungCustom for high speed closed combat. Balmung has new technology Photon Energy Wing that can make it moved with incredible speed and it can be used as beam saber. Balmung equip with…
14/03/30 17:29 okifuji さん
lard Custom: BalmungCustom for high speed closed combat. Balmung has new technology Photon Energy Wing that can make it moved with incredible speed and it can be used as beam saber. Balmung equip with…
14/03/30 17:29 オーシー さん
lard Custom: BalmungCustom for high speed closed combat. Balmung has new technology Photon Energy Wing that can make it moved with incredible speed and it can be used as beam saber. Balmung equip with…
14/03/30 17:29 ミドリフグ さん
lard Custom: BalmungCustom for high speed closed combat. Balmung has new technology Photon Energy Wing that can make it moved with incredible speed and it can be used as beam saber. Balmung equip with…
14/03/30 17:29 なちゃがる・なちゅDD さん
lard Custom: BalmungCustom for high speed closed combat. Balmung has new technology Photon Energy Wing that can make it moved with incredible speed and it can be used as beam saber. Balmung equip with…
14/03/30 17:29 単3 さん
lard Custom: BalmungCustom for high speed closed combat. Balmung has new technology Photon Energy Wing that can make it moved with incredible speed and it can be used as beam saber. Balmung equip with…
14/03/01 19:31 銀枠 さん
誤字りました。正しくは、過去に投稿したWHIE WINGを改正・改訂作業中です。それに合わせて新規の話やキャラクターが追加されます。お楽しみに。
14/02/28 14:56 なちゃがる・なちゅDD さん
14/02/09 23:09 かりをA.K.A.チェコリータ さん
決!やっぱり僕はツインテールに弱いのか~~???こちらは羽田のMIKU WING SHOPのブツお袋が行きやがったぜ!僕も3月に行くぞ行くぞ~~!美味か…
14/01/28 06:57 銀枠 さん
納得がいかないのでWHITE WING 近々一話から丸々書き直します。全くの別物になるくらいには。最新話についてはこれからも継続して書かせてもらいます。そしてもう間もなくUPします