21/07/22 12:00 黒翼猫 さん
縲舌ロ繧ソ縲糎indows 11縺」縺ヲ謇区栢縺弘S縺倥c縺ェ縺�縺ァ縺吶°�シ√◎縺ョ3 繧ゅ≧縲仝indows 10 Second Edition 縺ァ縺�縺�縺ョ縺ァ縺ッ�シ�
-8" standalone="yes"?><assembly manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" xmlns:asmv3="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">    <assemblyIdentity    &…
21/07/22 12:00 黒翼猫 さん
【ネタ】Windows 11って手抜きOSじゃないですか!その3 もう、Windows 10 Second Edition でいいのでは?
-8" standalone="yes"?><assembly manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" xmlns:asmv3="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">    <assemblyIdentity    &…
21/07/22 04:35 肉弾丸 さん
メリカザリガニ」のプラモデルがフジミ模型より発売決定! https://t.co/AS3MNfSttn #エヴァンゲリオン https://t.co/6EGgL8lLCZ 07-21 23:21 RT @6SYAKU_HOUSHI: 夏は…
21/07/21 05:01 明日武 さん
asm99rx78RT @muchecolin: @itaru_ohyama ランボー4でも、「助けたのは神じゃない、俺たちだっ‼︎」っていうセリフがありましたね。07/20 23:57asm99rx78RT @itaru_ohya…
21/07/17 03:38 素人大学生 さん
Wac Stack feat. Bindi Bardz | keitaroimo
ome? / Highly inefficient ritualsDouch wannaba superior / Let me amputate it can'tput up with the old shallow serious magotNobody wants him cuz GDP down, assholeCould you pour water on my head maybe t…
21/07/07 11:05 tono さん
rt0no: 創業80余年の老舗インナーメーカーあずやさんのブランド「hitoeni」でTシャツ、トートバッグのイラストを3点描かせていただきました。7月7日(水)〜21日(水)再販になりました!ht
21/07/06 12:00 黒翼猫 さん
How to do about IEXPRESS which is Windows native tool, is detected as malware.Windows Legacy Updator for WLU File  v1.5 is released.* add "extract" option /x を付けて起動するとフ…
21/07/02 13:40 素人大学生 さん
d today.This book was viral in Japan as well and a lot of influencers (I mean sort of financial YouTubers) referred to this author so frequently, and also some of my acquaintances as well so personall…
21/07/02 04:44 黒卯 虎龍斎 ◆7kirYmVfh2 さん
yusai Especially recently, once the latest chapter of #Jashinchan manga was released, immediately someone at 4chan translates it. And as far as I know, those threads have the most huge amount of #sn…
21/06/27 23:56 ノワール さん
d at 22:46:51RT @omegamega1001: オグリ。。 pic.twitter.com/wq7SD5pUaOposted at 22:45:39RT @tukasawa02: 各グリッドマンの違いです ダイアクロン用 集光ギミックあり DXよ…
21/06/27 10:23 ChouIsamu さん
環境問題へ積極的に取り組む Microsoft に対し、同社製品の修理しやすさも改善すべきという株主提案
り組む非営利組織 As You Sow が16日、電子ごみに関する持続可能なポリシーを定めるよう Microsoft に求める株主提案を行ったそうだ(As You Sow のプレスリ…
21/06/24 02:32 素人大学生 さん
TFs, initially I thought I should start with buying cheaper stocks and once of the stock I bought was VEON, sort of tele-communication company.Currently, the ratio of the stocks I have is JP:US = 1:1 …
21/06/23 12:00 黒翼猫 さん
ow to do about IEXPRESS which is Windows native tool, is detected as malware.Windows Legacy Updator for WLU File  v1.4a is released.* add installerInstwlu.cmd を実行すると、インストー…
21/06/20 14:09 素人大学生 さん
Free Hiphop Beat | BPM120 | 時短要請ビート
You can commercially use this beat and loyalty FREE! As long as you put "feat. keitaroimo" on the song title. この楽曲は、"feat. keitaroimo"を曲名に追加する限りにおいて自由に(…
21/06/07 06:32 素人大学生 さん
If you visit Japan, you must visit Moomin Park!!!!
 If you are any sort of tourist visiting asian countries, maybe you want to visit traditional asian temples, heritage, or something.But wait... I think you should add Moomin Park one of the deleg…
21/05/30 00:50 素人大学生 さん
ineffable: too great to be expressed in wordsexcursion: short trip/activity as leisurepurloin: stealentreaty: humble requestaporia: conundrum/state of puzzlementtorrent: water streamfeign: pretend to …
21/05/28 19:55 Olbaid さん
Rubik-brot - Mandelbrot lanscape This is a #Mandelbrot Set...
I have never solved it before. So I was very happy to be able to solve it for the first time in this video. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.This video is based on the following fractal art.https:…
21/05/27 04:02 R^3 さん
5-26 21:33 精霊伝承クリア。NKT・・・。 https://t.co/4adapTAiou 05-26 21:32 RT @chai_astro: いよいよ久しぶりの皆既月食ですね。月食のしくみをおさらいしてお…