14/08/07 23:32 ちい さん
14/08/07 12:34 てみ粉 さん
と思ったので。  それでは今回はこのへんで。第1弾も販売中ですのでよろしくお願いしますー!↓ http://line.me/S/sticker/1003094   …
14/07/26 23:31 猫目行燈 さん
 ゼネラルステッカー(GENERAL STICKER)というステッカー屋さんで、「がびがび」のステッカーを販売していただくことになりました~~~。わー…
14/06/19 07:20 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
e, I worked slow on it though.Then some junk from my instagram snaps.Another never to be printed sticker...I noticed a t-shirt company started following me after I posted, going to have to watch it...…
14/06/14 05:00 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
g for this shit...I need to use it. Finally found a comprenhensive method to take web orders for sticker printing and perhaps other custom jobs. Be patient.MechanicalPencilGirl…
14/04/17 14:44 yudough さん
4/29のCOMIC1でシールを配布いたします。 ラップトップステッカーコレクションにどうぞ (LoveLive!...
ます。ラップトップステッカーコレクションにどうぞ(LoveLive! unofficial sticker)…
14/03/18 17:38 クジ さん
Sticker conversations are the best!
Line is good! Let the sticker conversations begin! Wahaha~Friend b: wahahahaMe: Ohohoho :3After which we then proceed to have a conversation on LINE containing nothing but stickers for the next 20 min…
13/12/20 09:26 月神るな さん
co.神崎蘭子・高垣楓・佐城雪美・神谷奈緒・渋谷凛 cu.島村卯月・輿水幸子・三村かな子・双葉杏 pa.諸星...
13/07/23 19:58 だこつ さん
tantarotaro: (via 続・ステッカー - GOURMANDISE) #メモ書き程度の頼み方 (1)...
な紙に「ステッカーをください」みたいなことを英語とかで書く(I want Sticker.とかでいい)(7) (4)の封筒に(3)と(5)と(6)を入れて封をする(8) 窓口で国際…
13/07/10 09:23 なちゃがる・なちゅDD さん
Tried modelling the 1/144 Victory Gundam, hands from Weapons Set, and hologram sticker for eyes and main head camera.…
13/06/26 07:46 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
humbnail is just to do it digitally then print, trace, draw the rest up manually...I also have a sticker order sitting...I don't know why I don't just finish it, I'm rather broke and need to pay some …
13/05/06 05:50 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
oday for HM. My printing site should be up soon with great deals on printing. Starting with sticker printing then I will bemoving onto as many short run things I can do as possible. Ok...Cun…
12/11/27 07:58 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
I do mean lazy, not paying any mine to business, I work but that's about it and I doodle.Another sticker doodle illuminaughty. I've been thinking about a plethora of occult and alternative type of thi…
12/11/27 07:58 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
I do mean lazy, not paying any mine to business, I work but that's about it and I doodle.Another sticker doodle illuminaughty. I've been thinking about a plethora of occult and alternative type of thi…