16/07/26 21:20 あつし さん
DigitalArt Drawing&Painting Illustrations Photoshop
original(12min46sec)edited(1min)no sound
16/07/05 12:34 如月憂 ►お仕事募集中 さん
・PICTUREに「Original (common days)」 を追加・common daysの紹介ページ制作 (リンクは上記ページ)・T...
16/06/30 00:44 如月憂 ►お仕事募集中 さん
・PICTURE 「ORIGINAL」 「FAN ART」 に過去イラストを数点追加・TOPページ下にあったTwitter等のソーシ...
16/06/26 23:05 みやこ さん
Do you sell posters of your work? I would love to have some of your original art.
I don’t sell posters now. sorry (>_Thank you for your message!
16/06/10 07:34 オーシー さん
The story is about of two girls El and Dorado (El – is a name of original character giv...
16/06/10 07:34 okifuji さん
The story is about of two girls El and Dorado (El – is a name of original character giv...
16/06/10 07:34 ミドリフグ さん
The story is about of two girls El and Dorado (El – is a name of original character giv...
16/06/10 07:34 生ハッハ 鮎 さん
The story is about of two girls El and Dorado (El – is a name of original character giv...
16/06/10 07:34 単3 さん
The story is about of two girls El and Dorado (El – is a name of original character giv...
16/06/10 07:34 桃内 さん
The story is about of two girls El and Dorado (El – is a name of original character giv...
16/06/10 07:34 yasu1100r さん
The story is about of two girls El and Dorado (El – is a name of original character giv...
16/06/10 07:34 しあんぷりん さん
The story is about of two girls El and Dorado (El – is a name of original character giv...
16/06/08 10:20 如月憂 ►お仕事募集中 さん
・TOPイラストを変更・PICTURE 「ORIGINAL」 にイラスト2点追加・PICTURE 「WORKS」 に過去仕事絵数点追加
16/06/04 01:24 河原野アパラ さん
16/06/01 14:06 緋賀ゆかり さん
5月30日発売『月刊娘TYPE7月号』掲載情報&漫画『ORIGINAL CHRONICLE 魔法少女リリカルなのはThe1st』28話
16/05/29 20:30 Atelier Sentô さん
Watercolour sketch for a copy of our minicomic: The Coral Cave,...
Watercolour sketch for a copy of our minicomic: The Coral Cave, an irabucha’s dreamYou can orde...