12/08/05 14:58 ききかん さん
【ワンフェス2012夏】コスプレ写真その壱 コスプレ部長 赤沢みや編
フェスで宜しくお願い致しますーコスプレ写真は続く…#wf #wonder_festival #2012summer #Miya_akazawa #girl #portrait #japan #woman #モーレツ宇宙海賊 #チアキ #cosplay …
12/06/26 11:28 sakizo さん
AKIZO」Open just 2day.7(sut) to 8(sun).Shopping listOn suturday,SAKIZO costume show by cosplayers.(100% cosplay stage/15:00~1hour)I am looking forward to being able to meet fans in France.(Sorry,Sa…
12/06/12 12:55 kouotsu さん
seibei: ohnosiro: prozd: cherrizard: This is PERFECT. Too...
seibei:ohnosiro:prozd:cherrizard:This is PERFECT. Too good. TOO GOOD.The Cosplay King.Fuuuuuuck!Amy this guy’s Sanji is too good.…
12/06/05 20:13 クジ さん
rapunzelcomplex: something-even-lighter-than-air: jesterwitch: ...
r:jesterwitch:mamasam:from dmgice’s Flickr album:My dad and daughter rocking it out for the A-kon 23 Cosplay Contest Walk-On.BEST. COSPLAY. EVER! BEST. GRANDFATHER. EVER.scratch thatBest FAMILY ever…
12/05/30 20:10 lht さん
れからもよろしくお願いします☆=======================Hello!One of KANIHOUSE's COSPLAY CD-ROM "MIKUREMULIN"sold in the event "VOCAWORLD-01" that is held in Taiwan.We'revery very than…
12/05/26 19:15 mandi さん
mandimandi: @paranda_update soon after she gained attention again w/ a k-on cosplay http://t.co/qb9ZArCa also her flashy car and studio gains attention…
12/05/22 00:09 lht さん
いってらっしゃい鋼音ちゃん!!=========================Hello!!One of KANIHOUSE's COSPLAY CD-ROM "MIKUREMULIN" has a schedule sold in the event "VOCAWORLD-01" that is held in Taiwan.It w…
12/05/08 08:28 nato さん
natonica: 鋼鐵人cosplay.mp4: http://t.co/8Ut1WyeN クオリティェ…
natonica: 鋼鐵人cosplay.mp4: http://t.co/8Ut1WyeN クオリティェ……
12/04/21 06:23 kokoro さん
Shinoguk: @yoshino_cosplay どもども、次回ベルセルク映画第二段楽しみですねー
Shinoguk: @yoshino_cosplay どもども、次回ベルセルク映画第二段楽しみですねー…
11/02/13 17:14 Kxela さん
Tsukkomi! (Tsukuba Comic Festa) 2011
y had a small vendors and Doujinshi circle section, a lot of the focus was on cosplay- Mainly the Open Area and the Cosplay Fashion Show, as well as the Live Shows that were held after the days events…
11/02/06 14:09 Kxela さん
Wonder Festival Winter 2011 Report/Photos!!!
stume X3If I recall, his arm actually shot out air or something :DKanon-Chan Cosplay was the only other GodOnlyKnows Cosplay I saw. Pity, but yay that I found at least another.GAR MAGICAL GUYSAma…
11/01/29 15:36 Kxela さん
Going to Wonfes, and my first cosplay in years!!
nna be going to wonfes next week AND am gonna cosplay, I met up with Gixxer85 and went to Akihabara to check cosplay stores out. Fact is I haven't cosplayed in forever (like 2 years) and its the first…
11/01/07 06:36 Kxela さん
ough. We were able to visit Family mart frequently that night.Well, Sad to say, I didn't get any Cosplay pics. -_-But you can search out other blogs for that I guess. It's not like I have a DSLR to ta…
10/09/01 06:25 Kxela さん
Comiket 78 Cosplay (Belated, again)
Pretty Nice Cosplays this year at Summer Comiket~Taken on Saturday and Sunday :DWarning: P3 (Picture Packed Post)…
10/09/01 05:43 Kxela さん
Comiket 78 Report (Belated, yes)
pics of the area.....Calm before the STORM.haha, feelin like a rebel. Probably applies only when cosplayers are walking around though.Back we go.And more soda cause McDonalds gives us tiny cups of sod…