13/05/01 00:30 むしとりねこ/MuShiToRiNeKo さん
13/04/03 09:01 むきたまえっぐ さん
れない練習rkgkその3 (※箇所修正入ってます。) But to fix, so drawing nude woman, I is not suitable for children to view http://t.co/ol06HPuvSQ at 04/02 12:44op_mukitama /…
13/03/02 23:50 keibow さん
12/12/23 08:30 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
The End of the World Leading to the Road of Happiness
f also for her face...T_T But I like her face as it is, I'll fix it. My reference is a photo of a woman that has probably been photoshop to death by a poor editor who doesn't know human anatomy.Also I…
12/12/23 08:30 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
The End of the World Leading to the Road of Happiness
f also for her face...T_T But I like her face as it is, I'll fix it. My reference is a photo of a woman that has probably been photoshop to death by a poor editor who doesn't know human anatomy.Also I…
12/12/06 07:00 六条 麦 さん
ガ、マイケル・ジャクソンさんの衣装55点をオークションで落札 - 楽天woman http://t.co/plxKmuvE 東京ソラマチでやってた最後の展示会みてきたケドやっ…
12/12/03 12:32 口枷屋モイラ さん
12/2 2:33slipper http://t.co/7Z8ujGot12/2 21:18【動画】ストップモーションで描く創世神話「The Leaf Woman & the Centaur」 http://t.co/YRJ1PpJX12/2 22:19>>もっと見る…
12/11/30 18:25 kouotsu さん
Artist: I draw lots of women because it's what I like, but I treat every woman and every person I know as an equal human being.SJer: As an artist you should be ashamed of yourself for drawing only lig…
12/10/28 03:53 朱毛のゴジラ さん
菅伸子と鳩山幸は朝鮮人でしょ。Hatoyama's wife and Kan's wife is korean woman. :http://t.co/qShxinib :やはり“お里が知れる”だな。 10-27 15:01 軍事利…
12/10/08 01:09 kouotsu さん
maid-en-china: jerkdouglas: maid-en-china: Work progress gif...
ation, mine happens to be to illustrate a story before I’m 70, because unlike Pixar, I am a one woman team doing research, paying rent, and working on 2 graphic novels at the same time. (though this…
12/10/03 19:57 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
y superficial girls category. The top right girl was actually going to be my attempt of drawing a woman with a ghetto appearance but it warped into something cooler than expected...fail lol.…
12/10/03 19:57 MechanicalPencilGirl さん
y superficial girls category. The top right girl was actually going to be my attempt of drawing a woman with a ghetto appearance but it warped into something cooler than expected...fail lol.…
12/10/01 17:32 kouotsu さん
draw with his mouth.He’s created a story that is just downright fascinating, about a POC young woman who is also a serial killer. It’s beautifully drawn, it’s intelligently written, it’s just…
12/09/29 22:42 キイチ@ギネスのみたい さん
ダメですねー。・うん、言いたい事言ったけど批判とかは気分悪いですね。切り替えていこう!!today`s song.Bobby Jimmy/We Like Ugly Woman (Mega Big Gangsta Mix)◆ …
12/09/28 21:16 キイチ@ギネスのみたい さん
はフィーバーしようかな?どうかな?その前に天気崩れてるから仕事がいつも以上にラフ&タフになりそうな予感!!today`s song.@djtomoko n Ucca-Laugh/i'm a Woman◆ …
12/09/13 00:05 ToY256(トーイニィゴォロク) さん
古っ!!)J・V・D!J・V・D!J・V・D!(笑) 邦題からして酷い(原題:ZOMBIE WOMAN OF SATAN)ですが、内容もやっぱり酷い。(笑) 出て来るゾンビが全員女!…
12/08/25 23:11 D-Suke さん
捗:ペン入れ夏コミが終わって少し経過しました夏コミで頒布したPretty Womanがとらのあなが委託販売されることとなりましたのでよろしくお願いし…
12/08/24 05:37 zundabull さん
zundabull: RT @FrescoJesus: MY FRIENDS WHAT HAPPENED TO MY FRIENDS!!! SOMEBODY STOP THAT WOMAN!!!RT @matted1: Ha! @FrescoJesus http://t.co/nRIyWmer…