12/04/30 21:52 ましねおじさん さん
Ma.K. Tamagawa Meeting #3まで約1ヶ月半になりました。Ma.K. Tamagawa Meeting #3今日はタマガワミーティングに向けてほんの少し、グローサーフントを頑張り…
12/04/11 02:48 mandi さん
ndimandi: @GenericJD also one of my Japanese friends who loves tokusatsu stuff was interested in meeting you! lol…
12/04/03 23:33 kouotsu さん
isxbelle: Help David Liebe Hart Make a Punk Album KICKSTARTER...
people happiness. I want to do a good job on this album so that I can keep traveling around and meeting fans. I want to keep sharing my experiences with new people.”Thank you very much and Salame…
12/03/03 11:56 mandi さん
mandimandi: @kortir meeting at noon in akiba sounds good for me!
mandimandi: @kortir meeting at noon in akiba sounds good for me!…
11/02/13 17:14 Kxela さん
Tsukkomi! (Tsukuba Comic Festa) 2011
urday, finally it was actually a very nice day to be at this convention this Sunday.I went after meeting a few awesome folks back in Wonfes last week. While they had a small vendors and Doujinshi circ…
11/01/07 06:36 Kxela さん
lastly shout out to Yo-Chaosangel of Deviantart. We did a book trade and everything. It was good meeting ya. Hope to see you again :DWell, that was my little blog dump of Comiket. It was alright this …
09/05/31 08:55 美千花 さん
『Nico-TECH: Fukuoka Meeting』告知ポスター
『第4回ニコニコ技術部ミーティング』の告知ポスターを描かせてもらいました。 詳細はHPorブログへ...
09/05/31 08:42 美千花 さん
『Nico-TECH: Fukuoka Meeting』告知ポスター
09/05/31 08:04 美千花 さん
『Nico-TECH: Fukuoka Meeting』告知ポスター