11/01/29 15:36 Kxela さん
Going to Wonfes, and my first cosplay in years!!
k AND am gonna cosplay, I met up with Gixxer85 and went to Akihabara to check cosplay stores out. Fact is I haven't cosplayed in forever (like 2 years) and its the first time I'll be doing so if Frrea…
10/09/01 07:37 Kxela さん
ght, so...The darn application deadline for Winter Comiket 2010 or Comiket 79 was just a few...in fact a day after frickin Comiket. I had to help out a friend apply as well so...I had a ton of stuff t…
08/11/25 00:00 明季 さん
Girls Illust Exhibiriton#3 11/25~11/30
時:2008.11.25(tue)-11.30(sun) 11:00-20:00 最終日は16:00まで 出展名:lostarea 場所:The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo (ACT), 2FACT 1 〒160-0015 東京都新宿区大京町12-9…