17/10/28 22:27 Hiropon さん
I am so sorry to make this post but my little brother needs help
hings that most other people do regularly (playing sports, running, etc- one time he kicked a ball too hard and it chipped his hip. Another time my mom laid down with him in bed and when she layed on …
17/10/24 01:47 YuK さん
bric is glued down further in.This is same step as making the leaf.I've also zig-zag stitched this too to give a more iron-on-patch look.Earlier, I mentioned about recommending to do coil wrap on the …
17/10/08 19:52 YuK さん
that in your mouth!Green Onion Soy Sauce- 1/4 cup of chopped green onion. You can also chop finely too.- 1/8 cup of soy sauce.1. Put two ingredients together.2. Let green onion marinate into soy sauce…
17/09/12 19:30 黒翼猫 さん
f4samurai さんが作ったマギレコのシステムは欠陥品だった? その8
パケットサイズの限界があるので、ある程度で書くなったところで 414 URI Too Long : URIが大きすぎる が返ってきます実際にマギレコで通信エラーを引…
17/09/11 00:00 螺時 さん
に話聞いてくれる二人? https://t.co/kFtvsRRy94 Posted at 12:57 AM RT @thatassize: you too are a warrior of the steppe https://t.co/ctpD6mVn5E Posted at 12:34 AM 酷ぅいFCの新規メン…
17/09/06 08:30 黒翼猫 さん
仮想マシンでメモリ 128G のコンピュータを作り、Windows 2000をインストールする その2
comes from the fact that structures the Memory Manager uses to track physical memory would consume too much of the system's virtual address space on larger systems. The Memory Manager keeps track of e…
17/08/24 18:30 黒翼猫 さん
Windows 2000/XPで nVIDIA Pascal(Geforce 10XX)を動かすとこうなるらしい
mostly functional, but 3d seemed not to work at all. two other users with different hardware tried too and got the same result (#55 - 75). my driver modding skills are very noobish, but im nonetheless…
17/08/08 18:30 黒翼猫 さん
English version Extended Kernel v2.9b for Windows 2000 was released
I released English version Extended Kernel for Windows 2000  v2.9b.It include too many changings.If you can read Japanese , check Japanese version update history in this blog. :3Windows 2000 Exte…
17/08/08 08:30 黒翼猫 さん
English version Extended Kernel v2.9b(G) for Windows 2000 was released
I released English version Extended Kernel for Windows 2000  v2.9bG.It include too many changings.If you can read Japanese , check Japanese version update history in this blog. :3Plz wait for v2.…
17/08/07 10:31 ゆの さん
MANGA.TOKYO were kind enough to publish an interview with...
KYO were kind enough to publish an interview with meI’d love to take on work from overseas clients too!https://manga.tokyo/columns/creator-spotlight/an-interview-with-llustrator-yuno/…
17/08/06 00:13 sohko3 さん
影部 二時間もあったのにスコーンまで食べきれなかった… https://t.co/CHVgf8tOO32017/08/06 15:59:51そうこT 10月閃華原稿中@irisa1220「主よ、俺の食う菓子はな…
17/08/05 14:00 ヴァイスカイザー さん
This week's loot (6th August 2017)
touched a load of older stuffGrisaia PT #3 is better than the previous installments but still way too short for the price, while Grisaia Side Episode is plain fucking ridiculous in how short it is. I…
17/07/28 17:13 素人大学生 さん
context of history or sociology often turns out to be nonsense arbitrary piece of bogus since they too much focus on each instance. (That is the weakness of Otaku mind-set analysis).What we have to fo…
17/07/27 11:42 Hiropon さん
philukas: I would take back my words and my deeds at the gate....
ck my words and my deeds at the gate. You did what only a true friend would do. Forgive me. I was too blind to see it. I am so sorry… that I led you into such peril. – No, I’m- I’m glad to h…
17/07/26 04:21 Lstfazz さん
1/72 Hasegawa 長谷川 戰區88 Area88 F-20 How far to paradise?
ns Heartache and frustration Somehow I go on living Sometimes I wonder why Far too many questions Never any answer Only my faith keeps me alive How far to paradise?&…
17/07/24 00:10 YuK さん
Option:- 1 onion, minced- 2 tbsp water + 0.5 tbsp potato starch (Use this if your ground meat gets too saucy)Vegetables:- Cucumber - Mini peppers- Radish- Broccoli- Lettuce 1. With optional onion, sti…
17/07/18 18:15 Asei さん
Amazon is reportedly working on a messaging app
the head with an airborne object. If your at war, things hitting you when you don't want them too usually means you're gonna die. Hell I haven't been to war and I hate it when somethi…